Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dawkins' latest delusion.........

I see that Prof Dawkins is at it again. Apparently, he wishes to place advertisements on London Buses informing people that there is no God and that they should relax and enjoy life. Having read his work "The God Delusion" and looked at the works of other people who share his views I am far less than amazed that he continues to act like a dog with a bone.
As someone said, in the 1960's people like Prof Dawkins thought that religion would be over and finished with by the end of the century. To their annoyance, and in some cases what appears to be anger, the reverse is true. True, the Christian Faith in Europe has suffered somewhat of late, but in places where orthodox belief is proclaimed and practiced there seems to be some evidence of stability and even of considerable growth. However, we continue to live in a world where religion matters to a great many, if not the great majority of, people.
Apparently, this advertising campaign is to redress the balance because the Church has had a free ride when it comes to advertising its beliefs and has been able to teach children its beliefs without restraint. Presumably the Humanist Association and Secular Society want the same privilege. As I was pondering this I was thinking of the cost to so many of believing in Jesus. Throughout the history of the Christian Church there have been countless martyrs (including one yesterday in Kabul as Prof Dawkins and his friends were announcing their campaign), most of whom have not sought martyrdom and none, that I am aware of, that have immolated themselves while slaughtering others in that perversion of martyrdom that some individuals practice. Christian advertising has come at a price - the price of innocent blood, and supremely through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ himself who died for us.
When I read of these types of criticisms of the Church and the Gospel I find myself thinking of the verse in the hymn Come down, O Love Divine: "For none can guess his grace till he become the place wherein the Holy Spirit makes his dwelling" - and yet, in a strange and rather wonderful way, Prof Dawkins is doing a wonderful job as an evangelist for God. Has Fr Ross gone mad? you might think, but, no, it is simply that Prof Dawkins is helping to keep the rumour of God alive. He is doing a wonderful job of reminding people of God. So if these advertisements are placed on London buses the likelihood is that more people will flock to ALPHA Courses and the like, and discover that there is far more to the Life and Works of the Lord Jesus Christ than the paltry five pages that Prof Dawkins devotes to him in "The God Delusion".
If the Christian Faith is false and there is no God, then why spend so much effort and time on trying to debunk it all? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. And, as Oscar Wilde once said, The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

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