Friday, March 26, 2010

Hidden agendas....

I awoke this morning to the news that the troops of Midian are prowling around once more. Their substantive accusation seems to be that a letter wasn't answered by a now elderly gentleman, but this in their terms translates into the sensationalism of "cover-up."

This is the message they wish to convince the populace of. However, the actual truth (rather than the wild accusations) of much of it will be hard to convey, and even harder for people to believe such are the sensationalist TV News headlines. It seems to me that irresponsible journalism does not concern itself with truth but has joined forces with the conspiracy theorists who see secret or hidden truths everywhere.

The other worrying trend is the culture of blame that is so prevalent today; and so we see the clarion call and great clamour for someone in authority to take the wrap. The trouble is that when they have acheived this and the person they are hounding is forced from office or done away with then they are still not satisfied; rather like the people mocking and cursing Christ on the Cross who, when they had finally seen Christ die, left the scene of the crucifixion "sorrowfully."

Of course, the real story, or rather the real motives, behind this morning's headlines is that certain elements having gained political power or positions in the media are determined to push through their own immoral agenda and to do this they pick on that part of the opposition that will not sue in a court of law nor physically retaliate. The trouble is these certain elements need to be careful, because if they acheive their long desired aim of smashing this part of their opposition they could rue the day, for what may follow could be far more devastating than their worst nightmare.

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