Thursday, July 23, 2009
I'm confused....
Like me, in the 1980’s, many clergy and lay-workers may well have received a letter from the then Archbishops’ stressing that the sharing of the “Common Cup” would not lead to the spread of HIV and AIDS. We were assured that the combination of precious metals and alcohol provided a pretty good guarantee of safety (N.B. I have amended this sentence in the light of receiving a friendly email correcting my memory of the then Archbishops Letter). Having said that I realise that precious metals and fermented juice of the grape are not universal in CofE Parishes anymore!
Have the present Archbishops’ chosen to ignore that advice? Surely they cannot have forgotten it? Were the then Archbishops’ wrong?
In the latest advice there is a recommendation regarding Intinction. As many of the readers of this blog will understand I do not approve of the practice of Intinction as it is a messy business and leads to all manner of problems with spills and stains. Even if I did approve I would be there all day doing it with the numbers of Communicants we have at St Mary & St Giles.
So I have adopted a simple practice. I have assured folk here that, while the Precious Blood will still be available to those who wish to receive it, they are quite welcome to only receive the Host if they are concerned. On Sunday only one person to my knowledge decided on that course of action.
Regarding the priests own hygiene it might be worth noting that the rubrics, observed by many, that pertain to the priest and his hands at the Offertory do say “the priest washes his hands” it says nothing about simply washing the tips of thumb and forefinger!
Of course it is very important to get the balance right between necessary hygiene and causing panic, and this is something that I think we have to be acutely aware of and there does appear to be an element of jumping on the bandwagon in some quarters. But, as one of my folk said this week: “We have got to have a little faith.”
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Homily for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time YrB AD 2009....

The events of the past week in The Episcopal Church in the United States have shown just how far off the rails some shepherds have gone. The Anglican Church cannot simply accept any and all behaviour as consistent with the gospel no matter how much people may want it to. The Church is not the Lord of the Universe, no Jesus is. What he requires of us is sometimes hard to live up to and all of us fail to live up to that standard from time to time, but we do not please him by then seeking to change the message of the Gospel so that we can fool ourselves into thinking that we have not sinned after all.
What is happening in America is that some shepherds are not leading their people into green pastures, nor beside still waters, they are not restoring souls or leading people in the paths of righteousness. And having led people astray by false teaching when they walk through the valley of death they find that they have been left without a rod or a staff to comfort them and keep them from fearing evil.
This is precisely what happened in Israel in former times. The spiritual leaders who were called to shepherd God’s people taught them false doctrines and led them astray into all manner of false religions. Asherah poles, which were fertility cult symbols, and images of the false god Baal were set up in the land and even in the Temple. Kings and priests and false prophets led the people astray, and through Jeremiah God rails against such people and God promises to do something about it. He promises to provide them with shepherds who will care for them and ultimately to raise up one righteous Branch and note the capital B in Branch for this is a prophecy about a person and we believe this prophecy refers to Christ.
In biblical terms, leadership is presented to us as good shepherding. We don’t like to think of ourselves as sheep but when you stop and reflect on it a bit, isn’t it true that people flock together when they see others going a certain way? The humbling truth is that we want to be lead and we uncritically follow many who present themselves to us as leaders. Just look at how financial markets panic or recover on stock exchanges. People flock to films that critics have acclaimed, the critics themselves using standards that warrant some close examination themselves. Many of us pursue what is popular; we want to know what’s “in” and what’s “out.” When you spend some time thinking about it you can see many areas in your own experiences where people engage in flocking like sheep.
In today’s Gospel account we find Jesus taking His apostles to a leadership-training seminar. By taking them out into a deserted place, He removes His apostles from the distractions and concerns they’ve been experiencing. They needed a break. They needed to reflect. They need to stop being distracted by the world and its values. When someone goes out into a deserted place and stays there long enough, he or she begins to see what really matters and what doesn’t. Eventually, when all of the ordinary routines and supports have been removed from life, they begin to experience reliance on God, on God’s loving care. They begin to realize that the most important gift we need is the recognition of and experience of God’s care for us.
This is a journey, made by many saints, seers, and holy ones, and invariably it brought to them an awareness of God’s compassion, mercy and forgiveness, God’s love for us. St Giles was just such a person. He could have been the son of royal or noble parents according to some ancient sources, but whatever his lineage he chose to live as a hermit, to spend time with God and in seeking his will. Little could St Giles have imagined what God had in store for him. His one companion in the forest, the lonely place he had sought out to spend time alone with Jesus, was a hind and the story goes that he placed his body between the king’s archers and the hind thus getting wounded and becoming a patron saint of cripples. But the King was so mortified that he eventually built a monastery for St Giles and the Church agreed to him becoming the first Abbot. There are many stories of miracles associated with St Giles following his becoming an Abbot, but they all stem from his time spent alone with Jesus seeking his will rather than his own. In being alone he was not distracted by the world’s voice, he was not tempted to listen to the latest secular thinking or to water down the faith in order that people would listen to him. In isolation and in being alone he was able to discover God and truly discover his own place in the scheme of things.
There was a documentary on television recently about an Anglican priest who went off and experienced some very strange and esoteric things. He engaged in some things that were highly suspect and totally unchristian at times. But there was one episode where he spent time in the Sinai desert. To start with he had some time with the Coptic monks and then he spent some considerable weeks in a small cave in the desert. A monk warned him beforehand that this would be the most terrifying experience of his life and yet in the end the most spiritually rewarding. Each day he recorded his experiences in a video diary and what the monk had told him came true. What we learn from this is that time spent alone with God is not running away from the world, rather it is time spent facing reality: the reality of God and the reality of ourselves – our shortcomings, our sinfulness, our fears and our need of God.
St Giles period as a hermit in the forest equipped him to be the wise and holy Abbot he became. It would be my suggestion that the shepherds who are leading the flock astray in the USA, and indeed elsewhere, have spent too much time listening to the world and anguishing about what the world thinks of the church, instead of spending time with God being prepared and given grace and strength to face the world and to counter its false values, its blandishments, its false glitter and its promise of preferment if only we will acquiesce to its values.
I deliberately asked Brother Leon to create an Icon of St Giles as a hermit to remind us of the importance of prayer, of the need to withdraw into a lonely place and to spend time with Jesus. If we follow his example we will find that we will be strengthened to endure and find that the Lord is indeed our shepherd who makes us lie down in green pastures and leads us besides still waters in order that our souls may be refreshed, and that we do not fear evil.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

St Mary & St Giles Regeneration Project News....
Our Architect has completed the Drawings and the Specification of Works for the extension which will form a new hall at the Parish Church. There are one or two further points to be added such as the flooring finish, the heating arrangements as well as the kitchen type facilities. Heating engineers visited the Parish Church on Thursday afternoon and a report will be received soon. The PCC has agreed that we should apply for the Faculty (which can take up to 3-4 months to obtain) in order that if a sale is achieved and completed within the hoped for timescale there will be minimal delay in commencing building the extension.
Over the years that this project has been discussed and prepared we have experienced set-backs and constraints with regard to what Planning Officers would agree to and this has meant us altering many of our aspirations and us having make the best of what we could achieve. But let us be thankful for what has been achieved and pay for the God’s continued blessings on our endeavours to his praise and glory.
Robbing children of their childhood....
There is not much time left for us to let the Government know what we think - 4pm on Friday July 24th to give our views.
Visit this site to express your views:
Friday, July 17, 2009
SHPE-NYC Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2009
Greetings Members and Friends!
Attached is our last SHPE-NYC newsletter for the Fiscal Year 2008/2009. Feel free to share this newsletter with others.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
SHPE-NYC Executive Board 2008/2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Year end message from the SHPE-NYC President - Danny Cardenas
SHPE-NYC Familia: It has been a pleasure serving as your president this fiscal year, and what a year it has been! This was a historic year not only for our chapter but the nation. Our nation is still recovering from the economic ripples of the financial market collapse felt throughout the nation, but especially here in New York City. The election of our nation’s first African-American president is another event we will be retelling for generations to come. This fiscal year brought with it a new organizational structure for SHPE-NYC, specifically put in place to tackle our aggressive goals. I am proud to state we have been successful on all fronts thanks to the dedication of a focused executive board and the support from you, our corporate sponsors and members! On previous newsletters and constantly at events you’ve heard me speak of our aggressive growth strategy and through your cooperation and membership we did it! SHPE-NYC, for a 3rd consecutive year, has grown 50% to now be over 150 members! This most recent growth spurt has gained us national recognition as now SHPE-NYC is the largest SHPE Professional in the nation! We are proud of our growth, but these results are only a litmus test proving the success of our underlying programs and initiatives. This year SHPE-NYC unveiled four new event series (Technology, Cultural, Speaker and Entrepreneurial) and our members have turned to us for services and networks that cannot be found elsewhere. Other initiatives in the executive relations, corporate relations, SHPE junior and technology space have established the foundation for continued growth and success in these areas. By adapting to the changing global and local economic landscape the value proposition of SHPE-NYC remains clear. This letter will be my final letter as your president, thank you for allowing me to serve! I’ve served on the SHPE-NYC Executive Board for four years and in that time I’ve seen a complete transformation of our chapter. I originally served on a board led by 4 board members and about 50 members. SHPE-NYC is now led by 13 board members, contains over 150 paid members and hosts frequent quality events. I am proud to be part of this legacy and to count many of you as my dearest friends. I am excited to see what the future has in store for our chapter. With the combined support of our corporate partners, members and leadership, SHPE-NYC’s future can be nothing but blindingly bright. Danny Cardenas 2008 – 2009 President SHPE-NYC |
A formal PDF version is attached
Durham fulminates....
Both the bishops and deputies (lay and clergy) of TEC knew exactly what they were doing.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Over the pond....
This places the Archbishop of Canterbury and others in the wider Anglican Federation in the gravest of difficulties. There are very difficult decisions that the Archbishop and the other Primates will be called upon to make as to the standing of TEC within the Anglican Federation at what is undoubtedly a departure from the Faith as the Church of England has received it. Indeed, if the Archbishop and others do not deal with this in the firmest manner then there will almost certainly be a further breakdown in the unity of the Anglican Federation that will have critical consequences.
This unilateral action of TEC also has very significant implications for ecumenical relations with the Universal Church and the consequences brought about by this action will not lead to greater unity. Failure to act decisively on the part of the Archbishop and others may also lead to serious questions with regard to these two Provinces of Canterbury and York and their commitment to orthodoxy in faith and morals.
It is now clear that, for many Anglicans, TEC will cease to be recognised as part of the Church. And yet we should not be in any doubt that what has precipitated the likelihood of separation is, for Catholic Christians simply the “presenting issue.” Over the past forty years TEC has diminished with each unorthodox innovation it has embraced. Many extreme evangelicals will want to present this as being about the abandonment of orthodoxy with regard to homosexuality, but that will not do. For all too often they seem to convey the idea that they haven’t got that problem, while turning a blind eye to remarriage after divorce and couples co-habiting before marriage. Christian Moral Theology is a not a pick and mix assortment, but a body of doctrine that forms a whole. It is that wholeness that TEC has abandoned.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
San Diego Comic-Con!

Hey guys and gals, in one short week I'll be attending Comic-Con in San Diego along with about 130,000 other people. This year I'm honored to be a special guest of the Con and to celebrate the occasion I finally jumped on the bandwagon and produced a sketchbook that I'll be offering for sale at my table in Artist's Alley (that's table AA-19 by the way). But that's not all! You will also have the opportunity to purchase a limited edition Captain America lithograph for the first time. You following me camera guy? That's right, a 32 page magazine sized sketchbook and a limited edition print. The sketchbook features a lot of art from the past several years including commissions and other rare pieces that have never been published. It was fun putting it together and I hope if you're in attendance you'll come by and take a look at it.
Also, on Friday from 3:00 - 4:00 I'll be holding a panel in Room 8 trying to think of something interesting to say. Come by and help me out by asking an interesting question if you're not already attending one of the zillion other panels going on at the same time.
I plan to be doing sketches at the show, but I unfortunately cannot take pre-orders (for those of you that have asked). I just don't have the time. And while I'm at it, let me apologize for not having time to respond to the email requests that have come my way. If I haven't gotten back to you yet please don't take it personally. I'm still working on catching up.
UPDATE: I'll be signing at the Marvel Booth (#2429) at the following times:
Saturday, July 25th - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Sunday, July 26th - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
REMINDER: SHPE-NYC: Elections & Awards Networking Event: Thursday, July 16th 2009
Join us as we bring closure to a year of great success! Make your membership count and help elect the next SHPE-NYC Executive Board! Recognition will also be given to key members and corporations for their support. |
Thursday, July 16th, 2009
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Iguana New York
240 West 54th Street
(between 8th & Broadway)
New York City
Of Swine Flu and vestments....
Church unveils new swine flu vestments
The Church of England has announced that following its introduction of special swine flu prayers, new clergy vestments are now available in case of a further outbreak of the deadly virus.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Icon of St Giles of Provence, Hermit....

Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Young Student’s Moral Dilemma....

I began university with aspirations of becoming a professional actress. Throughout my three years of study I have had many influences that have changed my choice of career, but one that has affected me most prominently is my faith. As a Christian I have been challenged far beyond my initial expectations of university. During my degree, in Performing Arts, I have faced a number of compromising situations which have changed my view of acting. In particular, I was expected to perform in a play which I found very offensive, both against my faith and my personal comfort zone.
This included scenes of nudity, blasphemy and general offensive language. I did not want to perform in it and had several meetings with my lecturer, as this was part of one of my modules. I don’t think I realized how strong
my beliefs were until this point, because I’d never been in a confrontational situation about them. I was very upset and worried at the time because I didn’t want my grades to suffer, but on the other hand I was definitely not prepared to be part of something I didn’t agree with. Unfortunately the play still went ahead, but luckily, after much deliberation, I was permitted to perform in a piece, with my friend, which consequently I achieved a ‘first’ in for my acting.
Although it wasn’t pleasant disagreeing with the staff and other students, I have become much more confident in expressing myself and standing up for what I believe in. I learnt a lot from this experience, and in my final year I was asked again to be involved in a few scenes which I felt dealt with issues in an unnecessary manner. I had to withdraw from these plays and find a character that I felt did not jeopardise my morals as a Christian.
I have been strengthened by my experiences at university and understand that it would be very hard to avoid performing in plays I didn’t agree with if acting was my sole employment. I have fortunately found new skills and interest in directing and teaching performing arts, which I would like to pursue upon graduation, and use my skills in acting to complement these careers.
Friday, July 10, 2009
SHPE-NYC BBQ - Directions and Info - Saturday July 11th 2009
PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
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We are still on for tomorrow at
Flushing Meadow Park
(Designated BBQ area)
Directions to the BBQ Area:
Flushing Meadow Park by Meadow Lake – off the Southbound Van Wyck Expressway Service Road
(South of the Long Island Expressway)
If you are using GPS, please use the following coordinates: 40.734912, -73.836767
Additionally you can paste the above coordinates onto Yahoo Maps or Google Maps to get directions to the park.
What to bring:
There are benches at the park, but it is recommended to bring your own chair. You may also bring games to share with your friends. Be ready for some fun, including volleyball, wiffle-ball, and various other games.
Rain date:
We are still on for tomorrow Saturday, July 11th. Forecast says the rain will reach us late in the evening.
Saturday, July 11th, 2009
1:00pm to Sundown
Flushing Meadow Park
(Designated BBQ area)
By Meadow Lake – off the Southbound Van Wyck Expressway Service Road
(South of the Long Island Expressway)
Cost - $10pp
Thursday, July 9, 2009
No-Exit Strategy....

SHPE-NYC BBQ - Directions and Info - Saturday July 11th 2009
PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
DESCRIPTION:Please see for additional BBQ details. This is
a placeholder/reminder calendar entry. \n\n
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Flushing Meadow Park
(Designated BBQ area)
Directions to the BBQ Area:
Flushing Meadow Park by Meadow Lake – off the Southbound Van Wyck Expressway Service Road
(South of the Long Island Expressway)
If you are using GPS, please use the following coordinates: 40.734912, -73.836767
Additionally you can paste the above coordinates onto Yahoo Maps or Google Maps to get directions to the park.
What to bring:
There are benches at the park, but it is recommended to bring your own chair. You may also bring games to share with your friends. Be ready for some fun, including volleyball, wiffle-ball, and various other games.
Rain date:
In the case of inclement weather, the SHPE-NYC Barbeque will be moved to Saturday July 18, 2009. If this is the case, a message will be sent out on Friday July 10, 2009 in the morning hours notifying of the change.
Saturday, July 11th, 2009
1:00pm to Sundown
Flushing Meadow Park
(Designated BBQ area)
By Meadow Lake – off the Southbound Van Wyck Expressway Service Road
(South of the Long Island Expressway)
Cost - $10pp
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hymns oddly notated....
I've just been going through some old emails and found this wonderful link a friend sent me in 2005.
I see ithe website still exists, but don't click on it unless you're prepared to waste half an hour -- it's addictive!
The very good friend who originlly sent it to me and who never fails to lift my often flagging spirits also sent me the one below.As the new Dean of Truro was installed today I attach one example to give you the flavour.
(to the tune of Waltzing Matilda)
Once the Dean of Truro camped around the sanctuary
Swinging his thurible with shrieks of glee;
Smirking at the choir boys, calling to the organist,
"Who’ll come and do Benediction with me?"
"Not me, my darling." Said the Precentor.
"I’d rather listen to Mozart in B.
I don’t like your monstrance and I don’t like your candlesticks.
I am a good little C of E."
Father Sean O’Reilly ran up to the sacristan
Waving a chalice in front of his nose.
"This isn’t port, boy. Tastes as bad as a Beaujolais.
That’s why the faithful have gone to St Joe’s.
Get me some Taylors or maybe some Cockburn’s Croft.
Rather drink Fosters than this foul slop.
Good parish masses need a strong communion wine.
Set up an account with a good bottle shop."
Mother Mary Martha led her sisters to the bar.
"Girls, we’ve a mission to do." said she.
"Save all the drunkards from their lives of misery but
if there’s a hunk, make sure you save him for me!
We need to show these louts there’s a better way;
Wasting their lives when there’s so much to do.
We’ll teach them all about love and forgiveness
And if we teach them well, we’ll get some action too!"
Julius O’Flaherty, order of the Holy Rag
Loved St Veronica with all his heart.
500 hankies with the sweat of God himself,
Selling at $12, proves he’s really smart.
"It’s not extortion. Not even fraud m’dear!
Relics boost the faith of the frail and the queer.
Share in our Lord’s burden; share your cash with those in need,
And in no time at all I’ll spend it all on beer."
"Disaster Porn"
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
DON'T MISS IT: SHPE-NYC BBQ - This Saturday July 11th 2009
PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
DESCRIPTION:Please see for additional BBQ details. This is
a placeholder/reminder calendar entry. \n\n
SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:SHPE-NYC BBQ - Reminder Calendar Entry
N">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server ve
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rom text/rtf format -->\n\n<P DIR=LTR><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calib
ri">Please see</FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"> </SPAN><A HREF="http://www"><SPAN LANG="en-us"><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Calibri">
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ANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri"> for additional BBQ details. This is a pl
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FONT></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-us"><FONT FACE="Calibri"> calendar entry. </FON
Please join us at our BBQ Social Event!
Don’t miss it! A guaranteed great time!
Saturday, July 11th, 2009
1:00pm to Sundown
Flushing Meadow Park
(designated BBQ area)
By Meadow Lake – off the Van Wyck Expwy Service Road
Additional directions to the BBQ Area will follow
Cost - $10pp
Monday, July 6, 2009
Today at Westminster....
All who prayed during the performance were Evangelicals. Why no Catholics? Equally, all who spoke of church growth &c… yet I could have provided (and the PEVs even more) numerous examples of good practice.
Why was everyone so censorious? “There were no Bible-believing Christians in that area, so we planted….” But I KNOW Headington and two of the priests there. Why undermine them?
It was good to hear John Hind speak of Church order; but others referred to women’s ordination and consecration as second order matters, not comparable to Gospel defining issues. Not for me they’re not.
I was dismayed at Jim Packer’s lauding of the Articles. Bashing us with them seems little different to me from bashing Americans with the Canons. Man-made, of one time, and not Gospel.
After all this I cannot see how there can be common cause between Catholics and Evangelicals. We are looking to going home to the Universal Church, in Communion with the Holy Father and half Christendom. They seem to want to perpetuate a sixteenth century accident.
If I blogged, this would be on my blog. Instead I shall send it to a few friends...."
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Church of England and its approach to cultural and counter-cultural matters....
Pray for persecuted Christians....

One household, seen above, had their door smashed in and their walls painted with Islamic proclamations. On Tuesday 30 June, around 600 Muslims used petrol bombs to attack at least 117 Christian homes in Bahmani Walla, a village in Punjab, Pakistan. 117 houses were vandalised and 48 properties were damaged by fire, water pumps were sabotaged and Christians who returned home the following day found they had no electricity.
The violence was seemingly caused by an incident on Monday night, in which a Christian man driving a tractor requested that a Muslim man riding a motorcycle allow him to pass. The request was refused and a disagreement ensued. News of this was spread along with allegations of blasphemy against Islam. In the next few hours a mob of about 600 Muslims congregated in Bahmani Walla and began to attack the Christians living there.
Vehicles owned by Christians were burnt or stolen. Jewellery and cash were also taken. The following day a boycott was in force against many of the Christian businesses in Bahmani Walla.
Damage caused by the Muslim mob to Christian homes The most disturbing development was the throwing of acid at the Christians as they fled. At least nine women and four children have been injured.
Pakistani Muslims are very sensitive to the issue of blasphemy and the law on blasphemy has no punishment for false accusation, although it carries a death sentence for defiling the name of Muhammad.
Now many Christians need accommodation until their homes are habitable. Some are being housed through projects that we support, but there is not sufficient room for all in need.
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, says, “Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Bahmani Walla who have suffered in this shocking attack, pray that the authorities will investigate thoroughly and bring to justice the perpetrators. Please also give if you are able to meet the urgent practical needs of the victims.”
Friday, July 3, 2009
Weasel (i.e. PC) terms....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
St Peter's Tomb....

Thank Me Later
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
SHPE-NYC: Elections & Awards Networking Event: Thursday, July 16th 2009
Join us as we bring closure to a year of great success! Make your membership count and help elect the next SHPE-NYC Executive Board! Recognition will also be given to key members and corporations for their support. |
Thursday, July 16th, 2009
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Iguana New York
240 West 54th Street
(between 8th & Broadway)
New York City