Wednesday, February 17, 2010

DAY OF PRAYER for Traditionalist Church of England People....

Bishop Andrew has asked for Monday of next week (22nd February) to be set aside as a Day of Prayer for Traditionalist Anglicans as we face an uncertain future. The General Synod and its Revision Committee continue to deliberate on the matter of what provision to make for traditionalists and the news does not look promising, with it looking highly likely that even the provision we now have will be taken away from us. It is sad to report that some of the speeches in previous Synods have been ill-tempered and not in line with what we have come to expect from a denomination that has always seen it as important that all shades of churchmanship can exist within it.

There are, unfortunately, certain elements that have sought to portray this Day of Prayer as a time when faithful Anglicans will make decisions about their future, but this is not the case. Rather, this Day of Prayer, is for parishes like ours to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order that we may discern how we can best continue to witness to Catholic Faith and Order. Our forebears in the Tractarian Movement faced persecution and imprisonment for things we now take for granted, such as candles on the altar, the Eucharist as the main act of Christian Worship and the wearing of priestly vestments. In those times the phrase adopted by clergy of SSC was “No desertion, no surrender” - it is now for us in this generation to discern how we might continue to live the Catholic Life as God wishes us to in the face of some quiet hostile elements who wish to see Anglo-Catholics unchurched.

Full details of the programme for the Day of Prayer can be found below. Bishop Andrew has kindly provided us with Booklets for the celebration of Morning and Evening Prayer (BCP) with all the Propers for the Day included along some other Booklets of Reflections on the theme of Christian Unity which can be used throughout the day. Obviously, not all of us will be able to manage to come to everything on that day, but do try to come along to something. The emphasis will not be on the negative influences we face, but rather on seeking the will of God.

Chair of St Peter the Apostle
Day of Prayer for Traditionalist Anglicans

9:00am Mattins (Book of Common Prayer) (with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 8:30am)
12:00 Angelus & Midday Prayer
4:00pm Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)
7:30pm Mass & Lenten Meditations
Intention: The Reunion of All Christians

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