Saturday, February 28, 2009

Byzantium Exhibition....

This morning 37 of us from St Mary & St Giles set out by coach to travel to London to visit the Byzantium Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in Piccadilly.

It was well worth it. Two hours of being constantly surprised and amazed at the ingenuity, sheer artistry, craftsmanship and devotion that went into one of the most remarkable cultures of mankind's history.

The exhibition covers 1123 years of history, but more importantly shows us fidelity to Orthodox Faith and piety, unlike that practiced and taught at the Temple of Dagon nearby.

Standing before this Icon of Christ Pantokrator (from Ohrid, middle of the 14th century, 157.5 x 125 cm) was, for me, a profound spiritual experience.

This is much more than simply an exhibition, were it not for the fact that so many holy objects have been brought together from all over the world this would have almost been a pilgrimage.
If you haven't been to this exhibition then do consider going - and take the parish along too.

All are welcome to come to Stony Stratford on the 7th March to be with the Bishops of Ebbsfleet and Richborough as they share with us in....

A Day of Teaching, Reconciliation and Healing

with the Bishops of Ebbsfleet and Richborough

Saturday 7th March - 10:30am - 3:30pm

“From the hands of Jesus”

This Saturday two Bishops will be joining us at St Mary & St Giles for a major Teaching Day on two of the Sacraments left to his Church by the Lord.

The day will start with a Mass with hymns followed by Tea or Coffee (some volunteers to do this would be very helpful). After the break for coffee Bishop Keith will talk to us about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and he comes to us well recommended for this following a similar talk at the Caister Conference last year. There will be opportunity to ask the Bishop questions after the talk.

We shall then take a break for lunch, but over lunch there will be priests available for those who wish to make their Confession, or to seek spiritual counsel.

We resume at 2:00pm when Bishop Andrew will talk to us about the Sacrament of Anointing and about the Healing Ministry of the Church. Again there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions following his talk.

At 3:00pm we shall have a celebration of Vespers with the singing led by Fr Victor Bullock SSC. At the end of this there will be the Laying on of Hands for those who desire healing for themselves or for others and both Bishops will be leading this.

Do take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the Faith and to experience the love of Christ coming to us in these two beautiful, albeit much neglected, Sacraments. During the Teaching Day if you wish to talk to a priest about anything that you are unsure of we will be only to pleased to listen to you and help you clarify what has been said.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Awww man I had to do it to em! This is some of that FUNKY FRESH old school shit I KNOW you all remember, or at least you should!...she's a brick [duh duh duh duh] HOUSE lol I had to =P

Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent

Excellent attendances at both Masses today for the start of Lent. Over the next 6 weeks the Homilies will be focused on the Scriptures. So here is the first one:

Lenten Homilies AD 2009 - The Scriptures

Ash Wednesday – Revelation

On Sunday’s of Lent this year the aim of the Homilies will be to help us all understand more about the Scriptures; to learn about why they are important in the life of the Church and in the lives of individual Christians. In setting about achieving that aim it will be necessary to look at some significant factors as to how the Scriptures came to be compiled and as to how we use them. A full list of the Titles of the Homilies for each week can be found in the Lenten Leaflet at the back of Church.

On this Ash Wednesday evening, as we begin our Lenten Pilgrimage the title of the Homily is “Revelation.” Perhaps, this is the most important thing we have to come to understand for it is on this point more than any other that Christians have been divided over the Scriptures.

I want to start with a true story. At a Ministers’ Fraternal Meeting where all the local denominations were represented one of the free-church ministers was forever quoting chapter and verse of Scripture to illustrate every point he was trying to make and as he did so he kept laying his hand on his bible which was on the dining room table in front of him. In the end the local Roman Catholic Priest said, in a very gentle voice, “My friend, Our Lord came to found a Church, not write a book.” Very simple words, but very profound and they go to the heart of this matter of “Revelation”.

So what does the Church understand by “Revelation?” How does the Church define “Revelation?”

What she understands by this term is “God’s self-disclosure of himself to mankind” and the Church defines “Revelation” in a number of ways which fall into three basic types.

The first is revelation that is public. By this we mean a revelation that is evident to all, and this has two strands. The first is the Natural World around us, the beauty of creation that speaks of God’s creativity and power. Now, of course, in our present time there are a few notable biologists who would want to challenge this, but we should bear in mind two important points when people try to challenge us on this. Firstly, there are many, many scientists who do believe in God and, secondly, Darwin himself was far less reluctant to dismiss any concept of creation that certain current eminent biologists would claim for him. So we can still say that many people do indeed see God revealing himself through his creation as St Paul writes in his opening Chapter of the letter to the Romans. The second strand of this public revelation is what the Church deems “Supernatural” and that is divine speech.” God speaks to his people and he does this in two ways: indirectly through the prophets and the Old Testament, and directly through his Son, Jesus Christ and the New Testament. This way of understanding the Old and the New Testament we shall consider further later in this series of Homiles. For now though try to remember this difference between the Old and the New Testament: in the Old Testament we have the record of God speaking (revealing himself) indirectly; but in the New Testament we have the record of Jesus, God incarnate, speaking to us directly – which is why we stand to hear the Gospel, as we being addressed by Jesus.

Now having briefly considered revelations that are public we turn to revelations that are private. The Scriptures are full of examples of this type of revelation. In essence they are all supernatural, and by and large they are made to individuals. In some cases they are sensory such as Moses seeing the burning bush, or the various incidents where angels appear in the Old Testament, or as in Balaam’s experience of God speaking to him through his mule. Sometimes they are what might be deemed “intellectual” in that they come directly into the persons mind usually through a dream. The Scriptures give us lots of examples of God revealing himself, his purpose or his message through a dream. Jacob’s vision of a ladder at Bethel; Joseph of the sheaves bowing down to him; Pharaoh and the lean and fat cows; Nebuchadnezzar and of the statue made of gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay; Joseph dreams three times: a) told to marry Mary, b) told to flee to Egypt, and c) told to return to Israel; the Magi are told in a dream not to return to Herod; and Pilate’s wife had a dream about Jesus and warned Pilate not to have anything to do with him.

Many people claim to have had private revelations and on a few occasions the Church has approved them; for example St Bernadette of Lourdes.

These “private” revelations do not add to what the Church calls “the deposit of faith” – that is what Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Church teach us.

There is another form of Revelation and that is through Visions and Apparitions. These are supernatural experiences where individuals or groups may see objects, but not necessarily understand them. Sometimes they may be bodily visions and if they are of God they are called “theophanies.” Examples would be the “Burning Bush itself, the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night that the Hebrews saw at the Exodus from Egypt, and Gideon seeing the angel of the Lord himself place the tip of his staff on the cakes Gideon had made and the meat he had prepared and fire spring up and consume them.

So all these are ways in which God reveals himself and the Scriptures are the record of that revelation. Some Christians tend to put the Bible on the same level as revelation so you may hear talk of “the revealed word of God.”Well, “The Word of God” is Jesus himself – he is God speaking directly to us. The Scriptures are the record of that revelation, not the revelation themselves. This why the Roman Catholic priest reminded the free-church minister of a very important point of Jesus coming to found a Church and not write a book. The Bible contains the Scriptures we value them extremely highly, but they were deemed to be Scripture by the Church itself as she was guided by the Holy Spirit.

Now some, more liberal types, take this to mean that we can ignore what Scripture records, but the Church has never taught that and this is not what that priest meant. For the Church asks her children to understand the Scriptures in two ways:
a) The literal sense – that is the meaning, rightly interpreted
b) The spiritual sense – that is the deeper significance of the text, for example what the Old Testament records show us allegorically about Christ, and what the texts are saying to us about morals and how we should act justly, and also how we should understand the eternal significance of what is recorded.

The Scriptures are the record of God’s revelation of himself over a period of thousands of years until he fully reveals himself and speaks directly to us in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ, to whom be glory, power, dominion and all authority for all time and eternity. Amen.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Be Aggressive

Feel the rush, feel the adrenaline.

*OFFICIAL* UK Universal Zulu Nation Jam

The Zulu Nation & Stacked

Zulu Nation Jam

9pm-3am Saturday 28th of February

The Elbow Rooms, Chapel Market,London N1(Angel Tube)
Absolutely Free all night

* Spin Doctor (The Doctor's Orders)
* Penfold & Jda Kut (Zulu Nation)

Hosted by:
* TJ Chill (Zulu Nation Rap Show – Bang Fm)

All 5 elements of Hip-Hop will be represented on the night, They are:
The MC
The Dance
The Artform
The DJ

and Zulu Nation Artwork and Knowledge books on display.

For More Info Contact:

The Universal Zulu Nation is an "international Hip Hop awareness" group formed and headed by Hip Hop Godfather Afrika Bambaataa. It commenced in the 1970s as members of reformed New York City gang the Zulu Nation began to organize cultural events for youth, combining local dance and music movements into what would become known as the 5 elements of Hip Hop culture (Graffiti, DJing, Mcing, Breakdancing and Knowledge. By the 1980s Hip Hop had spread globally, and the Zulu Nation has since established branches worldwide.
We Believe in: Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding. Freedom, Justice & Equality. Peace, Love Unity & Having Fun!

Universal Zulu Nation UK

Drake Eighty81 Interview

Hustler Watch: Drake from Eighty81 on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wu-West Chambers

"Kung-Fu flicks & Pornos" - Rza


Friday, February 20, 2009

Regeneration Project News....

With the completion of the exterior lighting and the restoration/reordering works having taken place in St Mary & St Giles questions are naturally arising as to when the next phase of our Regeneration Project will begin.

Last week I was informed that the sale exercise on the former Parish Hall had been held up by the delay in the Greek Orthodox Community exchanging contracts on the demised Church of St Mary the Virgin. The necessary Section 36 Report has to contain information about rights of access and neighbouring property’s and the lack of certainty over the demised church meant that there was little point in writing a report only to have to rewrite it. However, I am given to understand that the sale of the demised church should be completed by the 6th April. Which will mean the sale of the former Parish Hall will begin shortly afterwards. In the meantime we have been asked by our agents if we will organise a working party to clear the grounds and mow lawns etc around the hall during March to aid the sale process.

I also heard this week from Brother Leon Lidderment of the Community of St Seraphim at Walsingham that the Icon of St Giles should be completed within the next six weeks. A frame is to be made to go around it, but this should not take very long and then it can be installed. I am negotiating with Bishop Andrew as to when he can come and bless all the recent works and this will be a major celebration for our Parish with distinguished guests, and - I hope - a splendid spread afterwards.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Captain America #50 Cover

(click image to enlarge)

Better late than never (or so I'm told) - here is the cover to Captain America #50. What will you find inside? Here's what Marvel's solicitations have to say on the subject:

Written by ED BRUBAKER
Pencils by LUKE ROSS
Bucky Barnes, another man out of time, is the new Captain America now...but today he's trapped in the past, because today is Bucky Barnes' birthday. See Bucky's favorite and least favorite birthdays - from the cold winters of the Depression on military bases, to the front lines of WW2 fighting alongside the Invaders, to his new mission as Cap. Oh yeah, and someone's trying to kill him. By Ed Brubaker and Luke Ross.
48 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99

This, and the rest of Marvel's product for the month of May 2009 can be found here.

SKEAM R.I.P. Update

After the news of the tragic passing of London writer Skeam the London scene galvanized to denounce his harsh treatment, sentancing, and show solidarity with those still incarcerated. There was a well attended protest featured on UK Graffiti Website Hurt You Bad, and several pieces in a London Hall Of Fame...

Put On

They definitely put on.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

SHPE-NYC Tax Workshop

Curious how the Stimulus plan will affect you? First-time homeowner? Were you audited last year?

Please join us for an informative evening on filing your 2008 taxes. Have all your questions answered and be informed on what you need to know before you file!

Thursday, February 26, 2009
6:00pm – 8:30pm

Cisco Systems, Inc.
One Penn Plaza 9th Floor
New York, NY 10119
Entrance on 34th Street
(between 7th and 8th Ave)
(Official ID such as a driver license or passport needed to access the building)

Please RSVP to

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quest for G.

This shit is HILARIOUS. KG is that dude. LOL at Usain Bolt being a random bodiless head. Cameo by the Jabawockees as well lol.

Simply Stunning

Alexa Loren is a Spanish/Egyptian Model.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2008 Pyramid Scheme UPDATED

I have been researching Pyramids and popular culture reasently and noticed that in 2008, Rocafella Records had alot of visual links with Pyramids at there live shows, especially Black Pyramids.
Obviously the Rocafella original logo was originally described as a "Diamond". So if so, it is upside down, wide end down. But a diamond can also be looked at as the sillouette of a 4-sided pyramid when viewed at a side on angle.

An excellent blog called The Secret Sun mentioned a link between Rihanna and the god Isis, and the author put up this as one of the examples. When I saw it live on TV, I found the Pyramid stage set with Rihanna and British group The Klaxons very strange. Check Rhianna "Standing on a Square":

The Klaxons recently mentioned when asked by music website Alterati about the Aleister Crowley referances in their music:

The Klaxons: "We’re not practicing occultists. We’re not. We’re not, and I think it’s…we wanted to just…we just thought, ”Why not put it in there?”

"Alterati : Well, I love it. You have Masonic sigils on your album cover, and it’s great. I think it’s a great play on an industry that perhaps uses magick.

The Klaxons: We’re not, in the sense, occultists. And we’re not, in a sense, practicing the works of Crowley. We just wanted to see what we could do…get it into music."

Yeah! Just for the hell of it.... Hardehar! As many people know "The Great Beast" spent a night meditating in the largest of Great Pyramids of Giza:

"Just weeks after performing mystical rites in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, Aleister Crowley received The Book Of The Law. It was during three performances of ritual magic at midday on April 8th, 9th and 10th of that year, that Aiwass, a self-proclaimed messenger of the gods, appeared to Crowley and dictated The Book Of The Law directly to him." - Steven Ashe's introduction to Aleister Crowley's The Book of the Law

Zombie Action, stills from the Disturbia video

Aliyah in "Queen Of The Damned" Syncronism?

Rhianna as Astek Godess

Aliyah/Ali-"Yahweh" with a similar headress...

Kiss Of The Spiderwoman Movie Poster

Kiss of The Spiderwoman synchronism?

Jay-Z & Rihanna at the Grammy's

But there were several others:
Jay-Z protege Kanye West (and Rocafella label mate) performing on a stage consisting of Crystals and a massive Black Pyramid. The CBS illuminated eye logo is prominantly displayed on the screen (at the beginning an advert for Big Brother appears):

Kanye West's 2008 Grammy Awards Performance from kwest on Vimeo.

And then of course there was Jay-Z headlining the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury festival. 1:25mins Pyramid logo pulsating

Jay-Z with Damian Hirst Diamond encrusted Skull in his show visuals.

"British artist, Damien Hirst, has taken the 18th century skull of a 35-year-old man and covered it in 8,601 pave-set diamonds. The work is currently being shown at The White Cube gallery in London. The piece cost an estimated $28 million to create.

It will go on sale for a staggering $100 million and if it sells it will become the most expensive piece of art sold by a living artist."
More on "Skull and Bones" in a minute

Jay-Z and Kanye West
"The Rock boys are in the house tonight!" - Jay-Z

"The Rock" can be looked at in several ways, a Diamond is somtimes refered to as a Rock, and "Crack Rock" - the cooked cocaine that Jay-Z claims to have slung before getting into the rap world. Obviously "Roc" is short for Rocafella, a play on words as in "to Rock a Fella" with good music. Also emulating the Rockefeller's, the American industrial, banking, and political family, one of whom was a New York Senator, who had ambitions for the Presidancy. Wkipedia says Family members reached ranks "including Vice President of the United States (Nelson Rockefeller), United States Senator (Jay Rockefeller), state Governor (Nelson, Jay, and Winthrop Rockefeller), and Lieutenant Governor (Winthrop Paul Rockefeller)". The Rockerfellers also have funded and been members of The Council on Foreign Relations - David, David Jr., Nelson, John D. 3rd, John D. IV (Jay), Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Trilateral Commission - David, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Bilderberg Group - David, John D. IV.
The Asia Society - John D. 3rd, John D. IV, Charles, David.
The Population Council - John D. 3rd.
The Council of the Americas - David.
The Group of Thirty - The Rockefeller Foundation.
The World Economic Forum - David

Also carrying the "Rockerfeller legacy", (Although denied by Jay-Z recently) according to "a prominent New York City politician claims that Jay Z is contemplating running for mayor of New York City next year (2009)."

"Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none." Isaiah 44:8

Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury

XXL Magazine cover Jay-Z as President of U.S.A. (From 2004?)
Jay-Z with an Synchronistic "L" (EL?) at his Crown Chakra.

"El "The Mighty One", al, iah, Yah (Yahweh), Eli or Izer were the powers of the supreme being, the creator god of humankind and all creatures and the husband of the goddess". ie. Al-lah, El-ohim, etc. Jay-Z claims to be the "God MC" and regularly referances himself as Jay-Hova, "Hova" refers to what Jay-Z calls his "God Name". Its a play on words for "Jehovah" or Yehowah, is an English reading of יְהֹוָה in Hebrew this is the name for God and is broken down as "YHWH". There are interesting videos by the Hip-Hop activist Black Dot going into more Metaphysical detail.

Kanye West as Christ
Carrying on the Jesus visuals there is of course DefJam signing Nas "God Son" (God Body) starts his video "Hate Me Now" as Christ carrying a cross and is Crucified.

Tupac personified as Christ

As we have mentioned earlier Jay-Z was down with Nuwaubian MC Jaz-O, and so it was possible that he is familiar with some Kemetic info through Dr. Malachi Z. York-El's Nuwaubian Nation of Moors organization.

Rocawear (Rocafella's clothing label), trinket "charm" featuring an illuminated eye coming out of a upside down Pyramid and 2 other eyes and crown symbol.

There are several bad documentaries claiming this and that, about Jay-Z and others which I just dismissed at first. It seemed rediculous, but the Rocawear T-shirts in the videos are very interesting. Heraldic style imagery has been very popular in Hip-Hop grafics for several years now. Some of the Rocawear Grafics are actually taken from real old Esoteric illustrations and manuscripts, and that is what made me start taking it a bit more seriously.

"The clothing being adorned by Jay-Z on his recent worldwide tour forms part of RocaWears new higher end sub-collection called Skull & Bones."

Jay-Z Skull and Bones Tour Shirt

Skull and Bones Fraternety logo, that both George Bush Senior & Jr and John Kerry are Alumni members of.

Bush And Kerry Members Of Skull & Bones - The funniest home videos are here

No one is saying for one minute that Jay-Z is a member, as you have to be Yale student to be eligable , but the question is why all of the Secret Society imagery??? In Hip-Hop artists have always courted controversy by taking the names of Drug Dealers real or imaginary eg. Rick Ross, Capone, Scarface, John Gotti, amongst others. Is taking the the trappings of Masonic imagery and actions the next stage?

Pirate skull blinded in one eye, like horus, with a reptile coming from the symbolic good eye, (but obviously its a skull so it has no eyes...). (This is not one of the Hearldic examples mentioned above, as this is very recent).

But the T-shirt above has two swords behind the skull, that can be looked at as a Compass, or the shape of a Pyramid with the nasal cavity as the floating capstone.


The Pirate flag is alledged to come from the ships of the eleventh, twelth and thirteenth centuries Knights based in Jeruselem, Malta, and other Medditeranian Islands and Ports. These Knights vessals policed the shipping lanes and plundered cargo ships.

Jay-Z with one eye obscured like Horus.

Eye of Re

Floating symbolic "discarded" capstone, the stone that the builder refused.

Jay-Z illuminated

These Videos are the best I have found on Esoteric connections to Hip Hop music. Although some of the guys don't sound too up on the finer details of the artists, but they have some very interesting points.

Problem Reaction Solution
If you know about the Wars with Jay-Z and others and Beanie Seagal's role as the Problem Solver, this link however vague, interested me:


Beanie Seagal, Rocafella's Solution (to Beef)

I'm impossible to make judgements on people you do not know, and it is very easy to pluck at straws and connect dots that are not connected. Yet re-occuring imagery, especially very tightly P.R. controlled coorperate imagery at that, could have something in it. There could be no truth in any of it, but its worth think about.........
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