Sunday, January 31, 2010

Merawat Komputer Bag. 3

Tips Merawat PC

Bila bicara soal pemeliharaan, PC tidak seperti pemanggang roti. Butuh kerja keras untuk memastikan PC Anda tetap senang dan sehat: perawatan periodik, upgrade berkala, dan kadang kala penderitaan troubleshooting. Kecuali Anda cukup beruntung memiliki sepasukan profesional IT yang sangat terlatih (atau hanya ipar yang berprofesi insinyur) sebagai jalan keluar, Anda akan menjadi orang yang melakukan setidaknya sebagian pekerjaan ini.

Untungnya, dengan sedikit upaya dan tool yang tepat, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan PC menjadi mudah untuk kebanyakan orang. Dan mendapatkan tool yang tepat tidak harus dibayar dengan tangan dan kaki; beberapa sudah Anda miliki, dan lainnya murah. Inilah tool yang kami rekomendasikan agar Anda miliki.

Tool yang Dapat Anda Pilih

Kecuali merawat banyak PC, Anda tidak memerlukan kit tool PC yang harganya lebih dari US$ 50 (walaupun Standard Computer Tool Kit seharga US$ 15 buatan Belkin merupakan alternatif bagus yang murah). Malahan, daftar hardware yang harus Anda miliki tidaklah panjang.

1. TIP Obeng: Anda hanya butuh dua obeng kecil: satu dengan kepala pipih standar, dan yang satu lagi dengan kepala kembang. Biasanya kurang dari enam inci panjangnya -- dan pastikan semuanya tidak bermagnet.

2. TIP Penjepit: Penjepit mungil dengan cengkeraman yang bagus tak ternilai harganya untuk memasang dan melepas jumper dan untuk mendapatkan kembali sekrup yang hilang. Penjepit dengan ujung datar lebih berguna dibanding yang ujung runcing.

3. TIP Senter: Bahkan di ruangan yang terang-benderang, bisa saja sulit melihat kabel-kabel kecil dan konektor di bagian dalam casing PC Anda.

4. TIP Wadah komponen: Wadah kecil--lebih disukai yang berpenutup-- penting untuk menyimpan sekrup dan jumper. Cangkir plastik atau botol obat lama sudah memadai.

5. TIP Tang berujung runcing: Tang kecil berujung runcing berguna untuk merenggut bagian-bagian dan menekuk kawat dan potongan logam.

6. TIP Botol semprot: Jaga agar saluran ventilasi dan interior PC bebas debu untuk mencegah kelebihan panas. Sejauh ini botol semprot merupakan cara termudah untuk melakukannya. Botol semprot tersedia di banyak toko komputer dan elektronik dengan harga kurang dari US$ 10.

7. TIP Peranti gelang antistatik: Satu sentakan listrik statik yang bergerak antara tubuh Anda dan PC dapat memanggang sirkuit mesin. Bila Anda menambah atau melepas hardware, atau melakukan pekerjaan apa pun di bagian dalam casing PC, kenakan peranti gelang antistatik. Salah satu ujung terhubung ke pergelangan Anda, dan ujung lainnya terhubung ke tanah. Ini tersedia di toko komputer dan elektronik dengan harga kurang dari US$ 10.

8. TIP Pengencang mur dan tool khusus lain: Banyak kit tool komputer mencakupkan pengencang mur, pelepas chip, dan tool khusus lainnya. Kami anggap hal ini merupakan pemerasan habis-habisan terhadap rata-rata pengguna sebab obeng dan penjepit sudah mencukupi untuk sebagian besar pekerjaan.

Tool Yang Telah Anda Miliki

Windows menyediakan banyak utiliti dan wizard berguna untuk troubleshooting dan perawatan PC. Banyak di antaranya bisa diakses dari menu System Tools: Klik Start*Programs*Accessories*System Tools (istilah dan path yang sesuai bervariasi bergantung versi Windows Anda).

1. TIP ScanDisk: Seperti yang tergambar pada namanya, ScanDisk memeriksa hard disk terhadap fragmen file yang keliru letak dan daerah kerusakan fisik. Periksa hard drive Anda secara teratur dengan ScanDisk. Kenaikan mendadak pada jumlah program yang mengalami error bisa berarti kerusakan hard disk. Windows XP tidak punya utiliti ScanDisk. Untuk memeriksa suatu drive di XP, klik-kanan di Explorer, pilih Properties, pilih tab Tools, dan klik Check Now pada `Error- checking`. Anda akan diberitahu bahwa utiliti itu butuh hak eksklusif ke beberapa file Windows dalam disk. Bila Windows menanyakan apakah Anda ingin melakukan pemeriksaan saat restart berikut, klik Yes kemudian OK.

2. TIP Disk Defragmenter: Defragmen hard drive secara teratur untuk menjaganya berjalan lebih cepat dan untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda memulihkan data jika drive tersebut mengalami crash.

3. TIP System Monitor: Program kecil yang luar biasa ini membantu Anda melacak banyak jenis parameter kinerja. Anda dapat melihat grafik real- time yang menampilkan available RAM, virtual memory, CPU usage, dan statistik lainnya. System Monitor terutama bagus untuk melacak sumber problem memori dan mengidentifikasi program mana yang paling membuat stres sistem Anda. (Di Windows XP, Anda bisa menemukan System Monitor dengan memilih Start*Control Panel*Administrative Tools*Performance*System Monitor.)

4. TIP System Information: Utiliti ini merupakan jembatan ke beberapa tool troubleshooting paling kuat di Windows. Pada Windows 9x, Anda akan mendapati System File Checker, Registry Checker, dan System Configuration Utility pada menu Tools di System Information. Di XP, tool di System Information mencakupkan Network Diagnostics dan System Restore.

5. TIP Manual, driver, dan software: Selamatkan segala sesuatunya! Anda mungkin dapat mengatasi problem PC dengan mengetahui satu setting utama atau nomor model, atau dengan menginstall ulang program. Manual yang dicetak mungkin menjadi satu-satunya sumber nomor telepon bantuan teknis Anda. Jangan mengira Anda dapat mendownload saja sebarang file yang mungkin Anda butuhkan kapan saja dari Internet: Sebuah file di tangan berharga dibanding dua di Web.

6. TIP Windows Resource Kit: Anda tidak perlu menghabiskan US$ 50 atau lebih untuk buku referensi Windows seukuran buku telepon itu. Anda hanya perlu berkonsultasi dengan CD Windows 9x. Di tools\reskit\setup folder, Anda akan mendapati salinan online Windows Resource Kit dari Microsoft (versi cetak harganya US$ 70). Pergilah ke Microsoft TechNet untuk Windows XP Professional Resource Kit.

Tool yang Bisa Anda Gunakan Secara Gratis

Berikut ini beberapa gratisan diagnosa dan perawatan favorit.
1. TIP #1-TuffTest-Lite: Program ini memastikan bahwa semua komponen hardware PC Anda berfungsi dengan benar. Karena booting dan berjalan dari floppy-nya sendiri, program ini melampaui keterbatasan pengujian program-program diagnosis yang berjalan dari dalam sistem operasi yang kompleks seperti Windows. Versi gratis program itu punya fungsi yang lebih sedikit dibanding US$ 10 #1-TuffTest (menguji hanya 8MB RAM, misalnya).

2. TIP DisplayMate: Pertajam image monitor Anda dengan versi demo utiliti ini. Versi lengkap harganya US$ 79, namun demo mempunyai enam pola uji dan instruksi mengenai cara menggunakannya.

3. TIP Situs-situs Web bermanfaat: Drivers HeadQuarters di merupakan tempat yang bagus untuk menemukan update atau driver peranti yang hilang. Dan kunjungi untuk mencari utiliti free dan shareware lain untuk merawat dan mendiagnosa PC Anda.

Tool yang Berharga untuk Dibeli

1. TIP Norton SystemWorks 2002: Dengan US$ 70, bundel utiliti ini tidak murah, namun berisi barang bagus. Komponen yang paling penting adalah Norton Utilities, koleksi klasik program Windows dan hard-disk (lihat Gambar 3). Ketika banyak fungsi Norton Utilities dapat direplikasi dengan utiliti gratis atau murah seperti yang tercatat di atas, paket all-in-one yang menyenangkan dan ekstra seperti penjadwalan otomatis membuat Norton SystemWorks sebanding dengan harganya.

2. TIP PartitionMagic 7: Ada banyak cara mudah dan sulit untuk membuat, menghapus, dan mengubah ukuran partisi hard-drive. Program seharga US$ 70 dari PowerQuest ini merupakan yang termudah. FDISK di Windows merupakan salah satu dari beberapa alternatif pemartisi yang aktif jika Anda punya banyak waktu dan sedikit uang. Namun jika Anda butuh mendapatkan kelengkapan kerja yang cepat dan simpel, interface fasih dan operasi cepat pada PartitionMagic membuatnya menjadi pembelian yang bijak.

3. TIP Drive Image 5: Tool PowerQuest ini akan menyelamatkan Anda dari kesalahan yang Anda buat ketika menggunakan tool diagnosa PC lainnya. Drive Image 5 menyalin dan mengkompresi seluruh drive--atau lebih akuratnya, seluruh partisi--menjadi sebuah file yang dapat Anda pulihkan dengan mudah. Tempatkan file backup-nya di partisi lain, di hard disk lain, atau (di versi terbaru ini) ke disk-disk CD-R/RW. Drive Image menyalin regular files, hidden files, system files, dan boot sector sehingga Anda dapat memulihkan salinan pekerjan seluruh partisi, termasuk OS yang dapat dibooting, aplikasi, dan data.

Board Jelek?
Anda duduk, lalu menyalakan PC... dan tidak terjadi apa-apa: tiada cahaya, tiada suara, tiada aksi. Perlukah Anda menghabiskan ratusan dollar untuk motherboard baru, atau lebih kurang untuk power supply baru? ATX Power Supply Tester dari PC Power and Cooling bisa memberikan jawaban cepat dan akurat. Tool praktis seharga US$ 10 ini terhubung ke kabel motherboard dari sebarang power supply kompatibel ATX 2.x dan akan menyala jika power supply bekerja dengan benar. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih jauh tentangnya di


Merawat komputer Bag. 2

Perawatan hardware :

Komputer seperti halnya sebuah mesin, memerlukan perawatan agar tidak cepat rusak. Terutama perawatan hardware, diperlukan kita jitu agar komputer kita tidak cepat ngehang atau error. Nah, bagaimana cara merawat Hardware yang baik dan benar, berikut tipsnya,

• Bersihkan selalu komputer Anda, kalau untuk membersihkan bagian luar Anda bisa menggunakan cairan pembersih khusus untuk komputer atau dengan kain lap saja namun untuk bagian dalam Anda harus menggunakan kuas yang berukuran kecil agar dapat masuk ke bagian yang sempit. Kenapa Anda harus membersihkan komputer Anda bagian dalam ? karena apabila terlalu banyak debu yang menempel di kipas prosesor dan di headsink misalnya maka proses pembuangan panas dari prosesor akan terhambat sehingga membuat komputer bersuhu lebih tinggi yang dapat mengakibatkan sistem hang atau merestart sendiri.

• Gunakan selalu stabilizer untuk menjaga kestabilan aliran listrik yang masuk ke komputer, karena listrik dari PLN tidaklah stabil sehingga dapat merusak hardware komputer kita. Bahkan kalau perlu Anda bisa menggunakan UPS apabila listrik sering mati.

• Gunakan kipas secukupnya usahakan kipas prosesor anda sudah sesuai dengan jenis prosesor yang dipakai. Dan gunakan kipas sirkulasi di bagian depan sebagai pemasok udara dingin dan bagian belakang sebagai pembuang udara panas. Dan segera ganti kipas Anda apabila sudah melebihi dari lifetimenya.

• Usahakan untuk selalu menutup casing komputer dengan baik jangan sampai ada hewan yang masuk misalnya cicak atau kecoak karena ini dapat berakibat fatal selain itu casing yang terbuka akan membuat debu mudah masuk. Apabila kipas sudah cukup maka Anda tidak perlu membuka casing hanya untuk membuat komputer lebih dingin


Merawat Komputer Bag. 1

Perawatan PC adalah suatu hal yang harus dikuasai bukan saja seorang administrator komputer disebuah perusahaan besar, namun kemampuan untuk merawat PC ini harus dikuasai setiap pemilik PC bahkan setiap user (pemakai) sekalipun. Karena apabila kemampuan ini tidak dikuasai maka akan menjadi masalah besar yang jelas akan memperpendek umur dari sebuah Sistem Operasi bahkan akan memperpendek umur dari hardware PC itu sendiri. Atau tingkat kenyamanan dari penggunaan PC itu akan mengalami penurunan akibat dari perawatan yang kurang baik dari pemakainya.
Perawatan PC itu terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu perawatan Software dan perawatan hardware. Untuk perawan secara software akan dijelaskan dalam beberapa poin sebagai berikut :

• Gunakan Software AntiVirus yang terupdate secara periodik sebagai langkah pencegahan terhadap gangguan serangan virus. Lakukan minimal setiap minggu.

• Bersihkan file temporary secara berkala karena file temporary ini akan menumpuk menjadi sangat besar bahkan sampai ukuran Gigabyte. Anda bisa membersihkannya melalui disk cleanup yang disediakan oleh windows atau dengan menggunakan software lain seperti System Mechanic. System mechanic ini jauh lebih teliti dalam membersihkan file junk (sampah) namun software ini tidak gratis walaupun begitu ada versi trialnya yang dapat kita coba. Lakukan minimal setiap 2 minggu.

• Bersihkan juga file yang ada di Recyclebin (tempat sampah) karena secara default Recyclebin disetting sebesar 10% dari kapasitas sebuah drive untuk menyimpan file yang sudah dihapus. Berarti apabila sebuah drive berukuran 20 Gb maka kapasitas maksimal dari sebuah Recyclebin tersebut adalah 2 Gb sebuah ukuran file sampah yang sangat besar tentunya. Lakukan minimal setiap 2 minggu.

• Defrag secara berkala drive Anda, karena windows dalam menulis data di sebuah hardisk dilakukan secara acak. Dan untuk merapihkan kembali susunan file-file tersebut dengan jalan defragment. Dengan tersusunnya file-file tersebut maka kecepatan komputer untuk membaca data akan semakin tinggi. Anda bisa menggunakan defragment drive dari windows atau software lain misal voptXP sebuah tool defragment yang jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan defragment drive dari windows (untuk win 9x / Me) atau kalau untuk win 2000 / XP anda bisa menggunakan oodefragment. Lakukan minimal setiap bulan. Pasang juga software penjaga kesehatan sistem yang akan mendeteksi kesehatan sebuah Sistem Operasi disetiap detiknya seperti Norton Utilities.

• Lebih baik uninstall software yang tidak terpakai karena semakin banyak software yang terinstall maka akan semakin memperberat kinerja sebuah komputer.

• Apabila Anda sering terkoneksi ke internet maka jangan lupa untuk menginstall software penghapus spyware (iklan) yang mengganggu bahkan akan memperberat kinerja system sehingga memperlambat koneksi. Misalnya Ad-Aware, software ini free dan sangat tangguh untuk melakukan tugas ini.

• Apabila Anda terhubung dengan jaringan dan sharing file maka berhati-hatilah dalam men-share folder penting. Usahakan untuk tidak men-share sebuah drive data atau system karena ini sangat berbahaya. Walaupun kita hanya terhubung dengan teman sekerja namun Anda sebaiknya tidak memancing sebuah tindakan yang tidak diinginkan bersama. Kalaupun harus share folder maka buatlah sebuah folder yang khusus untuk share dan apabila yang Anda share adalah file yang tidak berubah maka sebaiknya readonly saja jenis sharingnya. Dan juga jangan lupa untuk memberi password dalam men-share folder tersebut (win 9x / Me) atau silahkan edit permision siapa saja yang bisa menggunakan folder tersebut (win 2000 / XP) usahakan untuk user everyone readonly saja.


Tentang KKPI

KKPI adalah singkatan dari Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengelolaan Informasi. Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) KKPI merupakan salah satu matapelajaran kelompok adaptif. KKPI mulai diimpletasikan pada kurikulum SMK edisi 2004 sampai dengan diterapkannya Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP).

Selain itu pula pada akhir tahun 2006 KKPI menjadi salah matakuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa Program Teknisi Komputer dan Jaringan Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia.


Is This The Future??? Part 3 "The Mind Reader"

The Electric Mind Reader By John Blaine 1957

The Mind Reader
Is This The Future??? Part 2

Found here on Iranian based Press TV but also confirmed by Assoc. Press here
"Israeli mind-scanner may take over US airports

As part of stringent measures to beef up airport security, US authorities may use an Israeli-made mind-reading scanner that allegedly predicts whether a passenger is a potential threat or not.

The Transportation and Safety Administration (TSA) and the Homeland Security are considering the installment of a controversial mind-reading system, that was recently developed by the Israeli-based WeCU Technologies, in all American airports, AP reported on Thursday.

Ming The Mercyless's Mind Reader
Flash Gordon Movie 80's

The device, which functions by blending high computer technology and behavioral psychology, is essentially designed to "get inside the evildoers head" without the subject's knowledge and prevent him or her from placing the lives of fellow travelers in jeopardy.

According to WeCU Technologies CEO, Ehud Givon, people cannot help reacting mechanically to recognizable images that suddenly appear in unfamiliar places.

With that in mind, the system aims to project images onto airport screens, such as symbols affiliated with a terrorist group or signs only a terrorist would recognize.

Givon said while the WeCU system would use humans to do some of the observing, it would rely largely on concealed cameras or covert biometric sensors that can distinguish a rise in body temperature and heart rate, however slight it may be.

“One by one, you can screen out from the flow of people those with specific malicious intent,” Givon claimed.

"No, I only thought that the flight was long, not Bomb!!!"
Dr. Spock Mind Meld from Star Trek

The controversial device has sparked an outcry among civil rights groups, who argue that a system that combs through your brain to look for evil intentions is "Orwellian" and akin to "brain fingerprinting."

The groups note that the US should not follow in Israeli footsteps with regards to Airport security. At the Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel, Jewish Israelis pass through smoothly, while Arab Palestinians are taken aside for closer interrogation or even strip searches.

"Send him to the Dungeon!"
30's Flash Gordan

The US is already subjected to wide-spread controversy over the appliance of full body scanners, which according to critics, are in violation of child protection laws as well as the right of travelers to privacy."

Here is an older
article found here

"A mind-reading machine that could decipher what someone is seeing might soon be possible. Such a device would enable images represented in the brain to be shown on a television screen, and would perhaps even be able to take pictures from dreams." Found

On a lighter note, The Wackest Nike Tie-in...
"The Flash Gordon Nike Big Nike High"

Nike Flash Gordon Dunkzzzzzzzzz
"You are feeling very sleepy"

Part 2 can be found here
Part 1 can be found

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Announcements - Week of 01/25

View this invitation at

Announcements for the week of 01/25

Ski Trip Weekend - This Weekend!

Please read below and follow this link to register:

What: SHPE-NYC’s 4th Annual Ski Trip
When: January 29th – January 31st
Where: Windham Mountain with housing available at 11003 Route 23A, Lexington, New York 12444

For more information about this event, including FAQs, please visit our blog at

The last day to register for this ski trip with housing is today, Thursday at 5pm.
The last day for ski packages is tomorrow, Friday at 5pm.
Don't miss out on a great time with your fellow SHPErs.

Call for Professional Member Speaker

The student chapter of SHPE at Manhattan College will be having a general meeting on February 10th. The meeting is scheduled to start at 3:30 PM and the chapter has asked us to volunteer a professional speaker. If interested in volunteering please email Steven Rodriguez at

SHPE Regional Science Bowl Save-The-Date

This SHPE annual high school competition is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 6th in the New York City area. Volunteer opportunities will be available. If interested, please email Francisco Tejada at

Management Growth Training (MGT) - Offered in Spring 2010

SHPE Nationals has announced the return of Management Growth Training (MGT) in the late Spring of 2010! This year’s MGT will be available EXCLUSIVELY to SHPE professional members with 5-10 years of professional experience.

This program offers five days of comprehensive training on everything from project and financial management to dealing with difficult people to interpersonal communications. Designed as the 2nd tier in SHPE’s Professional Development Strategies Series, the MGT program is currently being revised to offer an even more challenging and beneficial agenda. For more information about this program visit the MGT webpage here.

For more information, please visit us at

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On the Feast of the Angelic Doctor....

Reliquary of St Thomas Aquinas under the principal altar in the Jacobin church, Toulouse.

Slick L.A. Adidas Shoe & Video Exclusive

Recently we did an interview with L.A. Legend Slick from Dissizit and we held back the flick, so here it is and some info on his signature shoe and the videos if you missed them!

To be released at comicon 2010.

New Slick Adidas Shoe - Kool Skool Exclusive!

Other Colour Way
(Looks Like Old Torsion Colours)

Torsion London Classic


More info on the Adidas collabo check here

Slick drops a quicky Monk character in Stockwell/Brixton Hall of Fame

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fond Memories of Massinformation....

I was sent the following text and pictures by Fr Douglas Bond and just had to include them in a Blog Post for all those out there who miss massinformation's contribution to keeping us sane!


Katharine Jefferts Schori adds to her sartorial legend.



I don't know, Father, maybe it's me, but I have to think that giving them
something to aim at may not be such a hot idea for a priest.


Not many people know that in the original Batman comic books, sorry, graphic novels
the arch-criminal Mr. Freeze had a personal chaplain.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Awal Mula Lahirnya BLOG ini..

awal mengajar di SMK, sekitar dua tahun yang lalu... puluhan modul sudah dibuat namun karna kurang dimanage dengan baik jadi modul - modul yang sudah dibuat hilang entah kemana ... kebanyakan sich karena lupa nyimpen file gatau ngetik di komputer mana... karena bikil modulnya kadang pake komputer sekolah, rumah, rumah orang tua, di kantor... ukh pokonya klo lagi pengen liat modul-modul yang sudah dibuat kesusahan... ya akhirnya disimpen di blog aja.. biar kemanapun dimanapun asal bisa online bisa dibuka... he............. blog ini khususnya untuk membantuku umumnya untuk yang membutuhkan semoga bermanfaat.

Top 10 for Streetypography Group

Top 10 (and a few extra) for Streetypography Group

Here is the group "Streetypography"'s top 10 of the last quarter of 08'. The group is dedicated to photos of interesting typography of any kind found in the street. Enjoy!!!

(To see the original photos, photostream and titles click on the image)


Squad 18 - West Village
Squad 18 - West Village



STORE FRONT: The Disappearing Face Of New York: RALPH'S Discount City
STORE FRONT: The Disappearing Face Of New York: RALPH'S Discount City


Check it out!
Check it out!


Too Big.
Too Big

Tron Liberty

stop smokin that rubbish !
Stop Smokin That Rubbish

ratcliffe's flowers
Ratcliffe's Flowers

smith and 9th subway platform
Smith and 9th Subway Platform



stealth bomber
Stealth Bomber

Epperson Camera Sign
Epperson Camera Sign


The Previous 10 can be found here

If you would like to submit some photos and they fit within the remit of the group please feel free to contact the group:

The opinions expressed in these photo are not nessicarily those of the Kool Skool, they are just being shown for people to appreciate. The photos are being shown as a platform to promote the photographer, and remain the sole property of the photographer.

R.I.P. Apache (Flavor Unit)

R.I.P. Apache (Flavor Unit)

The Kool Skool are big fans of the Flavor Unit, you couldn't throw a party without his song Gangsta B***h

Stand out tracks for us are:
The 45 King & Louie Louie - Smooth Yet Hard (Feat. Lakim Shabazz, Apache (1989)
Naughty by Nature's song 1,2,3 featuring Lakim Shabazz and Apache (1991)

Some of the Flavor Unit
(From left)Back row: Apache, Treach (Naughty by Nature), Latee?, Chill Rob G?
Front Row: Lakim Shabazz, Queen Latifah, Zhane?

Download the T.R.O.Y. blogs Apache mixtape here

Here is the AllHipHop News article:
"Flavor Unit emcee Apache, born Anthony Teaks, passed away today (January 22) after a protracted illness. As an original member of Queen Latifah's Flavor Unit, Apache first appeared on 45 King Presents The Flavor Unit and his best known single “Gangsta B**ch” peaked at #11 on Billboard's Hot Rap Singles chart.

Shakim Compere, CEO and Co-Founder of Flavor Unit Records, remembered Apache:
“Without Apache there would have been no Queen Latifah, no Naughty By Nature, no Chill Rob G., no anything” Compere told “Apache was the string that tied all of Flavor Unit together. Without Apache none of this would be.”

Apache was one of the three original rappers in Flavor Unit, which also counted Queen Latifah and Latee as early group members. The rap crew consisted of groups or rappers like Lakim Shabazz, Lord Alibaski, Chill Rob G., Naughty By Nature, Freddie Foxxx, Nikki D and Queen Latifah. Apache's appearances included collaborations with Naughty by Nature, Fat Joe, Tupac, and A Tribe Called Quest.

“That’s my g, r.i.p in peace big homie, you will be missed, shout out to his family Naughty by Nature, I just did a show with them, god bless,” - DJ Kid Capri

Q-Tip of A Tribe Called Quest who produced for Apache posted this tribute via Twitter:
R.I.P. To my brotha APACHE.. Together we made a dope lil hiphop joint... He was a real stand up dude..."
found here

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Announcements - Week of 01/18

View this invitation at

Announcements for the week of 01/18

Ski Trip Weekend

Please read below and follow this link to register:

What: SHPE-NYC’s 4th Annual Ski Trip
When: January 29th – January 31st
Where: Windham Mountain with housing available at 11003 Route 23A, Lexington, New York 12444

For more information about this event, including FAQs, please visit our blog at

Call for Professional Member Speaker

The student chapter of SHPE at Manhattan College will be having a general meeting on February 10th. The meeting is scheduled to start at 3:30 PM and the chapter has asked us to volunteer a professional speaker. If interested in volunteering please email Steven Rodriguez at

SHPE Regional Science Bowl Save-The-Date

This SHPE annual high school competition is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 6th in the New York City area. Volunteer opportunities will be available. If interested, please email Francisco Tejada at

Management Growth Training (MGT) - Offered in Spring 2010

SHPE Nationals has announced the return of Management Growth Training (MGT) in the late Spring of 2010! This year’s MGT will be available EXCLUSIVELY to SHPE professional members with 5-10 years of professional experience.

This program offers five days of comprehensive training on everything from project and financial management to dealing with difficult people to interpersonal communications. Designed as the 2nd tier in SHPE’s Professional Development Strategies Series, the MGT program is currently being revised to offer an even more challenging and beneficial agenda. For more information about this program visit the MGT webpage here.

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Empire, Heraldry, Skulls and Esoteric Imagery In Modern Rap Culture

Empire, Heraldry, Skulls and Esoteric Imagery In Modern Rap Culture


The Poor Righteous Teachers

The New Jersey 5% Nation of Gods & Earths group, The Poor Righteous Teachers used the Seal of the United States as their cover of their "New World Order" Album. For people in the Islamic Tradition, Black Consciousness and Pan African movements the All Seeing Eye is well known. The Kemetic/Egyptian Eye of Ra or Horus, and its use within the Free Masonic Fraternity, has been much discussed. For The Nuwabian Nation of Moors and its founder Dr. Malachi Z. York it was the Black Man's eye of Kemet, stolen to make him blind, in some Islamic schools of thought it represents the Eye of the Dajjal or "The False Prophet", Shayṭān - The Anti-Christ.

Rocawear Eye of Horus T

But in recent years the Platinum Rap set have been referencing the Eye of Ra and other Magical imagery, invoking it on everything from clothes to video imagery. Many in Religious circles and so-called Conspiracy community, have drawn attention to the heavily Esoteric and Freemasonic themes in modern Rap culture, and begun asking questions. Although some of the arguments are based on what appears to be mob mentality and blind religious fervor, accusing artists of this and that, some people who are knowledgeable in Occult matters, seem to be putting forward very interesting info and arguments based on facts.

Robbie Williams Logo found here

This phenomenon is nothing new or by any means specific to the Rap genre, for example Ex-Take That Robbie Williams recently admitted that he is a Conspiracy Theory buff, and has added an Eye of Ra and Question mark symbol to his logo not unlike Prince's Ankh like Symbol.

Rolling Stones Album Cover "Goats Head Soup"

What is new, is the almost blanket use of Esoteric and Rock and Roll imagery in the Rap visual language. As this has coincided with the "Platinum Plus" school and Multi-Million Dollar CEO Rappers reaching into the upper echelons of Big Business, people are asking whether there is a connection.

Cypress Hill - Black Sunday
Cap less Pyramid Silhouette Sun Rising?

Cypress Hill were the 1st Hip-Hop Group to really use traditional Occult imagery normally associated with Heavy Metal groups, and along with brother group House Of Pain crossed over mainstream Hip-Hop to the white/popular audiences. Also did many Rock Rap tours and songs, & openly promoted Weed use. Signed to "Columbia" Records

DJ Muggs & Sick Jacken
DJ Muggs is the producer for Cypress Hill and House of Pain

W.C. "Dub C" All Eye Seeing from Ice Cube Video "Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It"
Throwing up the Dub "W" sign originally represented Watts, but popularized by the L.A. super group Westside Connection (Ice Cube, W.C. & Mack10) to represent "Westside" or the West Coast.

Ricky Ross's Carter City Cartel - Stackin' them 3's/C's
Can you C/See?

Rollin' On Dubs!
Pre-school Hip-Hop asperational programming

Perpetual War
Some intellectuals suggest that to maintain the economies of modern "Hyper-Capitalist" economies, where 1st World Nations main industries are Military-Industrial based, a state of "Perpetual War", or a series of prolonged tactically un-winnable wars must exist. A constant state of "Building and Destroying." Most Human beings will refrain from killing, and although it is a base attribute in Human Nature, it has been suggested that to continue a state of war, you must promote a Warrior culture. Everywhere you look in modern entertainment, especially technologically, there is the promotion of "War Games" and in particular, the imagery of Medieval Crusader Knights or "Christian Warriors." It is obviously a part of Western Culture, and part of our visual history, but interesting in light of the recent geopolitical situation, the past 5 years the Heraldic Style has been very popular in Fashion, in particular within the Hip-Hop Community.

"I'm a soldier boy!"
Hip-Hop, Computer Games & The Military Article exploring Raps new role as a recruiting tool, and the militarisation of youth entertainment. For an in depth discussion of 50 Cent and the Militarization of the Hip-Hop Generation check this previous Kool Skool article

Conscious MC Lakim Shabazz of the 5% Nation of Gods and Earths
"Peace God"

In the African Diaspora in the U.S. and the West, Islam has been very popular as an alternative to the White Christian power structure. With the ending of the late 80's Conscious Hip-Hop era, the recent "Get Rich Or Die Trying" Crack Rap era, promoted by most Major Record labels, has been King.

Onward Christian Soldier?
Does Pop Rap amount to nothing more than a culture of D.I.Y. Drug distribution, where "Knowledge of Self " becomes a "Self first" attitude? Where Mc's become Gun-slingers and the Almighty Dollar is God, a Hip-Hop Men only jail bait club, perpetual sinners, Hypocrites drapped in Diamond encrusted Platinum Crosses and "Jesus Pieces".

Tony Yayo
From Righteous Teachers, to Righteous Killers...

Below is a brief look at some of the more recent seasons clothing, and a break down of the alternative meanings of the imagery used by some of Hip-Hop clothing's big selling companies.

Double Headed Eagle

Avirex "Cosmic Gypsy T" Two Headed Eagle "Master of East and West"

"One of the symbols of the military orders of the Vatican, the double-headed eagle emblazoned with the Maltese cross, signifies omnipotent royal dominion over both East and West." Found here

The logo of the Yale "Party Of The Right"
"According to a former Associated Editor of National Review, “The Party of the Right is the most important organization an intelligent young conservative can join in America today. Many Party members have gone on to positions of power and importance in the Greater American Conservative Movement.” found here

Double Headed Eagle of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Scottish Right Double Headed Eagle

Woman playing cards in 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons hat in Run Dmc's "It's Tricky" video

"What is the Double Headed Eagle
The Double-Headed Eagle of Lagos is the oldest Royal Crest in the World. Nor heraldic bearing, no emblematic device of today can boast such antiquity. It was in use a thousand years before the Exodus from Egypt, and more than 2000 years before the building of King Solomon’s Temple. The Double-Headed eagle was first used in Freemasonry in 1758 by the Masonic Body in Paris known as the Emperors of the East and West which controlled the advance degrees then in use and was the precursor of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite."
Found here

Crown Holder "Double Cross" of Orthodox/Byzantine Church

Uncrowned Crest of Austro-Hungarian Empire

Modern take on Double Headed Herald Crest of Role-Playing game Warhammer 4000.
The Warhammer 4000 game is based on Christian Holy Knights of the past in the future fighting "Aliens and Mutants" More info here. As you can see, obviously this imagery doe not just feature in music culture,

Warhammer 4000
"In the grim darkness of the Future, There is only War". Note One Eye damaged like Horus

Futuristic Aryan Knights of Holy Byzantine Empire

Crusaders of the Maltese Cross, Space-age Knights

Avirex "Patience"
A&V Logo at centre of Maltese Cross

"The double-headed eagle with the sympilema (dynastic cypher) of the Palaeologi in the center.
The double-headed eagle motif was used as the emblem of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) during the 14th and 15th centuries, when ruled by the Palaiologos Dynasty." Found here

"The Double Headed Eagle"

The last German Emperor and King of Prussia Kaiser Wilhelm II the Double Headed Eagle was his crest.
Notice Eagle and Sun on 3rd Eye Chakra on Helmet

Eye Of Ra

Eye Of Ra Fitted
Recently there have been examples of hats that feature the Egyptian Eye of Ra or the Pyramid Eye of Providence or a Cartoon version of a single Eye at the Crown Chakra

Sacred Geometry of the Eye

"Triangle Fitted Cap" Secret Society found here

Triangle or Seal?

Rocawear Beanie with very prominant un deniable 3rd Eye/Eye of Providence

Voyerism one eye fitted cap

Rocawear "We Never Sleep"
All Seeing Eye features prominently

G-Unit "Rebirth T"
Praying hands Circled in an Egyptian winged Solar Disk

Solar Disc
Another symbol for Ra or "Heru"

Compass & Set Square

Avirex "Dull Wings"
Crown capped Double Griffins facing into merged A & V representing Compass & Set Square?

Compass & Set Square
"As above, so below"

Artful Dodger "Compass T"

Artful Dodger "Compass T" Detail
Compass & Set Square in an almost tracing board format

Baphomet T by Mishka NYC found here

Rocawear T back
Who is your God?
One Currency

Rocawear T front
One Love

The Cabbala "Tree Of Life"

Skull Imagery

Cypress Hill

Cypress Hill - Skull missing an Eye
Designed by Mr. Cartoon.

Latin Gang visual culture relates to Aztek and 1st Nation Religeous imagery, traditionally skulls have always feature prominantly in tattoos and album art.

Skull & Bone Cap
The Corner Stone sits at the 3rd Eye of the wearer, as we have previously discussed before recently the "Skull And Bone" imagery in particular has been popular, and has reminded some people of the Skull and Bones Fraternity.

G-Unit "Honour Code"

Beat Boxer Rahzel wearing Skull Sweatshirt

Detail - Skull copied from Punk band the Exploited

The Exploited original image

Misfits - another example of the Rock and Roll Skull

Scientologist Will Smith right rocking a Skull Tee

Rocawear T
Compass and Set Square and Pyramid, as discussed in a previous article

Perhaps it is all just a coincidence... Obviously some Artists are unaware of the alternative meanings of the images that they wear on their clothes, as explained before it is a fashionable visual style. As a Musician you can not be overseeing everything your clothing company puts out, but is it the same for them all? You make your mind up if there is anything in the above information, but it is worth mentioning that unlike little N.Y. limited edition boutique companies, these companies make thousands of the same shirt, so you would think they might have noticed.
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