Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3 Current SNL Characters That Need Their Own Movie?

This past weekend, Will Forte's MacGruber became the next in a long line of Saturday Night Live characters that have made the jump from short sketch to full length movie. Some, like The Blues Brothers and Wayne's World were wildly successful while others, not so much. Can you say, SUPERSTAR!

Hit or miss, there's no doubt that studios are already studying recent episodes of Saturday Night Live looking for the next big thing. Let's pray they stay away from Kenan Thompson's "What's Up with That" and head more toward these top three characters that would make a great SNL movie.

3. Lorenzo MacIntosh's (Kenan Thompson) Sacred Straight program would be perfect on the big screen considering the fact that all of his horror stories are already taken from blockbuster action flicks.

2. "The Two A-Holes" Jason Sudeikis and Kristen Wiig) would be just the ticket for a "Real Housewives" mockumentary movie. Right, babe? Don't you think so, babe?

1. Laser Cats are Go! Andy Samberg and Bill Hader have already done most of the work with their series of digital shorts for SNL. String together the pieces and you've got a parody scifi movie that can finally beat that cat playing piano video on YouTube. Hear that? That's the sound of James Cameron clearing his calendar.



Nooooo!!! No Lorenzo and no A-Holes!!! You've got to be kidding me!

However, Laser Cats could be hilarious!

What do you think?

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