Monday, March 29, 2010

All City Jam Dublin 1/4/10

All City Records has annonuced this year’s 3 day event from Thursday, the 1st of April. ‘Graffiti on Canvas’ is an exhibition that will feature pieces by RIME MSK, SMASH, ZEBSTER, MASER, CIST and many more. It’ll be held in Exchange, Exchange St., Temple Bar from 6-10pm (Free Admission).
All City Records will be the first hot spot on Friday, the 2nd of April. There will be an ‘In Store Blackbook Signing’ from 2-6pm (Free Admission). Here, you can come and get your blackbook signed by RIME, SMASH, ZEBSTER, SCOTTY and SHOE.
Saturday, April 3rd, will see the 3RD Annual All City Tivoli Jam, held in the Tivoli Theatre, Francis St. This is where you will see LIVE INTERNATIONAL GRAFFITI WRITERS!!!If you miss their exhibition pieces or blackbook signing, this will be an amazing chance to see writers like SMASH 137, RIME MSK, ZEBSTER, SCOTTY, SOTEN, KUBE and more working live and from scratch!!!!!
If live graffiti isn’t enough to tempt you, the jam also includes B Boys, MC’s and DJ’s and more signings. And if the mood strikes you, visit the ‘On The Run Sketch Corner’ where you can enter our sketching competition or the ‘All City Stall’, where you can purchase selected items from the shop.
If all that isn’t enough to satisfy you, the Twisted Pepper is hosting an after party!!!!11 and onwards, €10 admission fee.
info via irishstreetart
All City Jam – Dublin

Priceless moments 2....

February's priceless moment was as a result of an answerphone message - March's happened during my Homily this morning at Mass.
I was making a link between the disingenuous behaviour of Judas in the Gospel Reading set for today and that of Mr Tatchell yesterday. Up piped one of our ladies: "He's just a pain in the backside." To which, of course, there is no answer......... but I hope the Lord has a sense of humour as we all fell about laughing.

Buta Karena Migrain, Hanya Bisa Lihat Warna Pelangi

Buta Karena Migrain, Hanya Bisa Lihat

Warna Pelangi

Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth

Danielle Burton (Foto: dailymail)
London, Umumnya orang yang mengalami kebutaan hanya bisa melihat warna gelap atau hitam. Tapi ada satu buta yang penderitanya hanya bisa melihat warna-warna pelangi. Buta seperti ini diakibatkan oleh migrain.

Seperti yang dialami Danielle Burton gadis usia 19 tahun menderita Persistent Migraine Aura. Setiap gambar yang dilihatnya seperti warna pelangi dalam bentuk turunnya salju di depan matanya.

Kebutaan yang dialami gadis itu berawal dari sakit migrain. Padahal selama ini orang hanya tahu bahwa migrain adalah salah satu jenis sakit kepala yang hanya menyerang sebagian kepala saja. Tapi tidak bagi Danielle Burton, migrain yang dialaminya justru mengganggu penglihatannya.

Sebelum terjadi gangguan penglihatan, Danielle mengalami migrain yang sangat buruk lalu tiba-tiba ia kehilangan penglihatan pada mata sebelah kanannya. Penglihatannya bukan menjadi hitam melainkan warna biru dan ungu seperti awan.

"Saya pergi ke klinik dan mereka mengira itu hanya migrain, tapi keesokan harinya tidak juga membaik. Saat saya sedang mandi, tiba-tiba penglihatan saya hilang sepenuhnya, saya harus keluar dari kamar mandi dengan terhuyung-huyung," ujarnya seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Senin (29/3/2010).

Jika ada gambar yang menunjukkan cuaca cerah ditunjukkan pada Burton, maka gambar yang dilihatnya berbeda dengan apa yang dilihat oleh orang lain. Gadis 19 tahun ini seolah-olah melihat dunia melalui lensa kaleidoskop.

Beberapa kali Danielle dapat melihat bentuk, meskipun bentuk tersebut terlihat kabur dan seperti televisi statis. Kondisi terburuknya adalah saat ia hanya melihat warna flourescent awan yang berwarna biru dan ungu, hal ini benar-benar membuatnya menjadi buta.

"Selama 19 tahun saya dapat melihat segala sesuatunya dengan sempurna dan bahkan tidak menyadari betapa berharganya sebuah penglihatan. Saya tidak pernah menyadari hal ini sebelumnya, karena semua keluarga saya sangat sehat," ujar Danielle.

Kasus yang dialami oleh Danielle adalah salah satu migrain yang terburuk, karena setiap saat warna-warna cerah tersebut selalu ada dalam penglihatannya. Bahkan saat ia menutup mata, warna tersebut tetap ada.

Hasil scan menunjukkan tidak ada masalah dengan kondisi matanya. Hingga akhirnya pada bulan Januari lalu dokter mengungkapkan bahwa ia menderita Persistent Migraine Aura yang menyebabkan pernglihatannya seperti salju (visual snow).

Dokter mengungkapkan kondisi ini disebabkan oleh adanya saraf di otak yang terjebak dalam suatu keadaan sehingga menimbulkan migrain secara terus menerus yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan.

Akibatnya seseorang tidak bisa melihat seperti layaknya orang normal, apapun yang dilihatnya akan disertai oleh warna berbeda dan seperti salju yang turun.

Kini Danielle menggunakan obat khusus untuk mencoba membantunya. Bulan lalu ia pernah merasakan melihat secara normal walaupun hanya satu jam saja.

"Saya sedang di depan cermin dan tiba-tiba saya bisa melihat bulu mataku. Kini saya menyadari kehilangan penglihatan adalah suatu hal yang sungguh mengerikan," ungkapnya.

Persistent migrain aura atau juga dikenal sebagai persistent aura tanpa miokard dapat didiagnosis bila ada gejala aura yang muncul secara terus menerus selama lebih dari seminggu, namun kondisi ini tidak disertai dengan munculnya bukti bahwa ada kematian sel-sel otak. Gejala yang timbul bisa pada salah satu mata saja atau keduanya.

Salah satu gejala yang khas dari kondisi ini adalah 'visual snow' yaitu melihat segala sesuatu seperti ada salju yang turun dengan berbagai warna seperti pelangi dihadapannya. Gejala ini bisa sementara tapi bisa juga menjadi permanen atau tetap.

Hingga kini belum dapat diketahui apa penyebab dari persistent migrain aura. Beberapa ahli menyebutkan migrain yang parah menjadi penyebabnya namun dicurigai ada faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya. Namun penelitian mengenai persistent migrain aura masih sangat terbatas.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hidden Agenda's part 2....

I understand that a motley crew were to be found out side Westminster Cathedral this lunchtime at what they deemed "Protest the Pope," as they were concerned to campaign against the Pope's visit to England and Scotland.
This protest was organised, to quote their appointed spokesperson, Mr Tatchell, whose impartiality when it comes to matters of faith is of course well known, because: "He failed to ensure that priests who raped and sexually abused young people were reported to the police. This is why he is not welcome in the UK and why we object to him being honoured with a state visit in September, especially a state visit that is being funded by the taxpayer."
Of course this spokesperson is entitled to his opinion, but I am not sure that it has any foundation of substance. I am never quite sure why mis-informed people rush to express their opinion in such condemnatory terms. Sometimes it is best to keep one's opinions to one's self - it saves having to apologise later. But then give that amongst the motley crew's supporters are:

•British Humanist Association
•Central London Humanist Group
•Council of ex-Muslims of Britain
•Gay & Lesbian Humanist Association
•International Humanist and Ethical Union
•National Secular Society
•North London Humanists
•One Law for All
•Southall Black Sisters
•Women Against Fundamentalism

it is doubtful that an apology will be forthcoming. After all this would just simply appear to be rank anti-faith, anti-Catholic prejudice riding on the back of the most appalling scandal to affect The Church.

Gratis TuneUp Utilities 2009 Full Version

Gratis TuneUp Utilities 2009 Full


TuneUp Utilities 2009 merupakan salah satu software utility untuk Windows yang paling populer. Secara umum ada enam fitur utama yang terdapat pada TuneUp Utilities 2009, yaitu:

  • Meningkatkan performa Windows
  • Menambah space kosong pada hard disk dengan menghapus file-file yang tidak penting
  • Membersihkan Windows
  • Memperbaiki masalah pada Windows
  • Customize Windows
  • Tools tambahan

Salah satu fitur yang cukup menarik dari TuneUp Utilities 2009 yang terdapat pada bagian Customize Windows adalah fitur untuk mengganti logon screen dan boot screen. Jadi TuneUp Utilities 2009 bisa dijadikan salah satu alternatif untuk mengganti logon screen, selain dengan software Windows XP LogonUI Changer.

Pada situs resminya TuneUp Utilities dijual seharga $49.95 (versi 2010), tapi dalam rangka promosi Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara gratis (versi 2009).
Ada pun caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Buka halaman promosi ini.

2. Tulis alamat email Anda.

3. Tulis lagi alamat email Anda pada kotak dialog konfirmasi.

4. Cek email yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan registrasi, lalu klik link yang terdapat pada email yang berasal dari TuneUp Promotion untuk mendapatkan kode registrasi.

5. Download software TuneUp Utilities 2009 di sini.

6. Install lalu jalankan software TuneUp Utilities 2009.

7. Masukkan kode registrasi yang telah Anda peroleh tadi dengan mengklik tombol Enter Product Key.

Promosi ini berlaku sampai dengan tanggal 30 Maret 2010, jadi buruan saja sebelum terlambat.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hidden agendas....

I awoke this morning to the news that the troops of Midian are prowling around once more. Their substantive accusation seems to be that a letter wasn't answered by a now elderly gentleman, but this in their terms translates into the sensationalism of "cover-up."

This is the message they wish to convince the populace of. However, the actual truth (rather than the wild accusations) of much of it will be hard to convey, and even harder for people to believe such are the sensationalist TV News headlines. It seems to me that irresponsible journalism does not concern itself with truth but has joined forces with the conspiracy theorists who see secret or hidden truths everywhere.

The other worrying trend is the culture of blame that is so prevalent today; and so we see the clarion call and great clamour for someone in authority to take the wrap. The trouble is that when they have acheived this and the person they are hounding is forced from office or done away with then they are still not satisfied; rather like the people mocking and cursing Christ on the Cross who, when they had finally seen Christ die, left the scene of the crucifixion "sorrowfully."

Of course, the real story, or rather the real motives, behind this morning's headlines is that certain elements having gained political power or positions in the media are determined to push through their own immoral agenda and to do this they pick on that part of the opposition that will not sue in a court of law nor physically retaliate. The trouble is these certain elements need to be careful, because if they acheive their long desired aim of smashing this part of their opposition they could rue the day, for what may follow could be far more devastating than their worst nightmare.

Anak Laki Dekat dengan Ibu Minim Perilaku Negatif Saat Dewasa

Anak Laki Dekat dengan Ibu Minim

Perilaku Negatif Saat Dewasa

Irna Gustia - detikHealth

Ilustrasi (Foto: telegraph)
London, Ibu sebaliknya jangan membuat jarak dalam hubungannya dengan anak lakinya. Karena penolakan kedekatan dari sang ibu akan membuat anak laki berperilaku negatif saat dewasa.

Sudah banyak kasus ibu yang lebih banyak marah menghadapi anak laki-lakinya yang nakal dan menolak untuk memahami perilakunya atau malah menjauh ketika anak sedang ingin dekat dengan ibunya.

Padahal ketulusan ibu untuk membuat hubungan yang akrab akan menjaga perilaku anak lakinya tetap lurus dan terkendali saat ia dewasa.

Peneliti menemukan anak laki-laki jarang terlibat masalah atau berperilaku negatif ketika dewasa jika si anak punya hubungan yang akrab dengan si ibu semasa kecilnya.

Ilmuwan menganalisa data 6000 anak di bawah usia 12 tahun. Hasilnya ditemukan, anak laki yang tidak punya hubungan akrab dengan ibu cenderung menjadi lebih agresif dan menderita masalah kesehatan mental.

Sebaliknya, anak laki akan tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang tenang, percaya diri dan punya banyak empati jika memiliki kenyamanan dengan ibunya ketika masa anak-anak.

Hubungan antara ibu dan anak laki-laki bisa rusak dari usia kanak-kanak jika anak-anak itu berulang kali ditolak ketika mencoba datang ke orangtuanya untuk minta bantuan.

Padahal anak-anak tidak dapat berpaling dari orangtuanya saat menghadapi masalah besar dalam kehidupannya di kemudian hari.

Pasco Fearon, profesor psikologi dari University of Reading, yang memimpin penelitian ini mengatakan anak-anak akan merasa aman, dekat dan berharap ada yang menghiburnya ketika mereka membutuhkannya.

"Sebaliknya, anak akan merasa tidak aman jika pernah memiliki mengalami hubungan yang ditolak dan putus asa karena tidak bisa dekat dengan orangtuanya, ditolak atau tidak ditanggapi," kata Fearon seperti dilansir dari Telegraph, Jumat (26/3/2010).

Anak-anak membutuhkan kekuatan kedua dari orang-orang terdekatnya untuk bisa mengatasi stres dan tantangan. "Anak-anak tidak akan mampu mengatasi risiko yang besar dalam masalah perilaku dan agresifnya," katanya.

Anak Hobi Makan Kapas

Anak Hobi Makan Kapas

Anak Bogor Hobi Makan Kapas sampai Bra

VIVAnews – Siang tadi, bocah bernama Agus Nata Prawira (1,5 tahun) duduk di atas kasus kusut di rumahnya. Pergelangan tangan anak yang tinggal di Kampung Sawah, RT 13/4, Kelurahan Cilendek Barat, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor, penuh dengan kapuk.

Awalnya, orang pikir dia tengah bermain kapuk yang berasal dari kasur yang di salah satu bagiannya sobek. Lama-lama orang akan kaget dibuatnya. Ternyata kapas yang baru diambil dari kasur, langsung dia masukkan ke mulut dan mengunyahnya.

Yang membuat heboh, dia tidak sekedar menyunyah, melainkan langsung menelan kapuk. Kebiasaan itu sudah dia lakukan sejak usia lima bulan. Itu sebabnya, warga sekitar kemudian menjuluki dia bocah pemakan kapas.

Lain lagi yang dilakukan oleh kakak dari Agus yang bernama Aidul Jabar Pas, 9 tahun. Kalau Agus suka kapas, Jabar hobi makan krikil.

Yang paling menarik adalah jenis kunyahan yang dilakukan oleh Zaenal Sabda, anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara ini. Bocah berusia 6 tahun itu paling gemar mengunyah bra dan celana dalam.

Tentu saja warga sekitar sangat heran dengan kebiasaan anak dari Salma, 29 tahun. Lalu Salma bercerita soal kebiasaan anak-anaknya itu, terutama si Agus.

“Awal mulanya, semua jenis rokok, korek api yang berbentuk pentul dimakan. Tidak lama kemudian memakan kapas,” katanya.

Hampir semua kapuk dari bantal kecil di rumah Salma disobeknya dan sebagian isinya dimakan setiap hari.

“Akibatnya, saya tidak punya bantal dan kasur untuk tidur,” kata dia.

Salma mengaku tidak bisa menghentikan kebiasaan Agus dan kedua anak lainnya.

Uniknya bocah-bocah ini sangat jarang terserang penyakit, walaupun kesukaannya memakan makanan yang tentu saja bukan makanan pokok manusia itu. Justru, kalau tidak makan kapuk selama empat hari, Agus jatuh sakit.

Sebenarnya dokter sudah melarang kebiasaan Agus memakan kapuk karena bisa mengakibatkan sakit. Tapi, hampir tiap hari, dia tetap saja memakannya.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Selamat Ulang Tahun Mac OS X

Selamat Ulang Tahun Mac OS X!

Fajar Widiantoro
- detikinet

Mac OS X (apple)

Jakarta - Mac OS X genap berusia sembilan tahun. Tanggal 24 Maret 2001 sistem operasi 'macan' pertama milik Apple tersebut lahir.

Menengok sejenak ke belakang, kita ingat bahwa Mac OS X generasi pertama terlahir dengan nama 'Cheetah', memiliki nomor versi 10.0. Tanda 'X' pada Mac OS X berarti angka sepuluh dalam bahasa Romawi. Hingga kini 'X' berfungsi sebagai identitas merek dagang milik Apple.

Sejak 2002, Apple telah membundling komputer Macintosh dengan Mac OS X. Sistem operasi tersebut hadir sebagai suksesor Mac OS 9, sebagai versi final Mac OS klasik. Mac OS X adalah sebuah sistem operasi dengan grafis berbasis Unix, dengan teknologi yang dikembangkan NeXT antara tahun 1980 hingga 1996.

Kemudian, Mac OS X v10.5 yang disebut 'Leopard' hadir saat Apple memiliki sertifikasi UNIX 03, yang berjalan pada prosesor Intel. Hal ini pun berlangsung hingga tahun-tahun berikutnya.

Dikutip detikINET dari TUAW, Kamis (25/3/201) berikut ini adalah kilas balik kelahiran 'macan-macan' milik Apple:
  • 10.0 Cheetah -- 24 Maret 2001
  • 10.1 Puma -- 25 September 2001
  • 10.2 Jaguar -- 24 Agustus 2002
  • 10.3 Panther -- 24 Oktober 2003
  • 10.4 Tiger -- 29 April 2005
  • 10.4 Intel Tiger -- 10 Januari 2006
  • 10.5 Leopard -- 26 Oktober 2007
  • 10.6 Snow Leopard -- 28 Agustus 2009

Download Gratis McAfee Antivirus Plus 2010

Download Gratis McAfee Antivirus Plus


McAfee Antivirus Plus 2010 merupakan salah satu di antara beberapa software antivirus berbayar yang paling populer. Jika Anda termasuk salah seorang penggemar McAfee kini Anda bisa mendapatkan software tersebut secara gratis untuk lisense 6 bulan.

Untuk mendapatkan McAfee Antivirus Plus 2010 secara gratis caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Jadilah fan McAfee pada halaman facebook ini.

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Tidak disebutkan kapan promosi ini akan berakhir, jadi kalau Anda tertarik dengan McAfeee Antivirus Plus 2010 segera aja manfaatkan kesempatan ini

Blackbook Mathematics with London Graff Legend MR. MET CBM

*The Kool Skool Exclusive*
MR.MET Blackbook Mathematics

Mr. Met at the "London Handstyles" Book Exhibit
If you missed it check The Kool Skool exclusive Exhibition ***MOVIE***

Recently The Kool Skool met up with Legendary Bush Master Met in Europe's most famous Hall Of Fame - "The Pit", and had the opportunity to have a flick through his infamous Blackbooks. Met's traditional Wildstyle blackbook sketches are well known in the UK scene, and he kindly allowed to free up a selection for The Kool Skool regulars. Mr. Met is a foundation Rocker in the London scene, recently featured in the "London Handstyles" Book, and is gearing up for a Style Summer Smackdown.

"London Handstyles" Book out now
Available to by here
The Blackbook Version is on its way...

"This book is a piece of history, the best thing since Subway Art!"

Pure CBM & Mr.Met CBM

"Bring Back '89" by Mr. Met

"Where's the Fun Gone?" by Mr. Met

The Nasty Habits by Mr. Met

Mercorze "Graff Grandads" by Mr. Met

Keeley "Felt Tip Funk" by Mr. Met

Corze NHS stylin' in Mr.Met's Blackbook

Met One LB, NHS, Cbeeeees by Mr. Met

Ventz by Mr. Met

Owed LB owning Mr.Met's Blackbook

Mr. Met by Mr. Met

MistaMetRocs by Mr. Met

Asiue shining in Mr.Met's Blackbook

NHS Crew roll call by Mr. Met

Mr. Met & Owed

"Oh you c**t, you're gonna put this on some wierd Pyramid blog!!!!" - Mr.Met

Check the Mr.Met interview at the excellent RT website

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Change and decay....

I have been reading of some of the more and more abhorrent horrors that are happening in ECUSA these days. One priestess, the Rev. Carter Hayward, has this to say about 'reproductive health':

"Abortion would be a sacrament if women were in charge. Abortion should be a sacrament even today. I suspect that for many women today, and for their spouses, lovers, families and communities, abortion is celebrated as such, an occasion of deep and serious and sacred meaning."

A wiser person observed that "Abortion is one thing and one thing only: Child Sacrifice, to the god of convenience."

Regeneration Project News....

Last year I blogged profusely about the first major phase of our Regeneration Project, which was the restoration of the Parish Church at Stony Stratford in preparation for the building of a new hall and vestry wing. Over the past year a lot of preparation/desk bound work has taken place to bring this to fruition. At times this has been very frustrating and the last year's work has only been made possible by the ten years that preceded it. The palaver one has to go through to get Planning Consent, Faculties and Building Regulations has to be seen to be believed. However, all those consents are now in place and we have now reached the stage of having received Informal Tenders on our former hall, and of having appointed contractors for the building of the new hall/vestry. Once the monies have been received we will be ready to start demolition and building.

Below is the Report published in this week's Mass Sheet:

At 12:00 noon on Monday the Informal Tenders received on the former Parish Hall will be opened by our agent in the presence of independent witnesses. At some point in the afternoon Fr Ross will be contacted and will be informed fully of the offers that have been received. He will be advised as to which is the “best offer.” He will not be allowed to divulge any information other than to discuss the situation with the Churchwardens in the strictest confidence.

The reason for this apparent cloak of secrecy is that various checks have to be made as to the identity of the person making the “best offer” and those which bring independent assurances that the monies are available and that it is a genuine offer. Furthermore, this prevents “horse-trading” where the person making the “best offer” discovers the difference between him/herself and the one immediately below and then tries to lower the offer to just over the second highest.

Under normal conditions the person making the “best offer” would be expected to exchange contracts within six weeks of the offer being formally accepted and to complete the sale two weeks afterwards. If, however, the best offer is from a cash buyer then matters can proceed faster. I must therefore beg your patience during this period. As soon as I am able to say something publicly I will, but only at the Parish Mass so that all hear the news at the same time.

At the PCC Meeting on Thursday evening the tenders for the new hall adjoining the church were considered and I am pleased to be able to announce that Messrs Rattee and Kett’s tender has been accepted. This is the company that completed the Restoration works in side the Parish Church in January of last year. When I announce the amount we have received for the former Parish Hall I will also announce the amount we are paying for the new hall. This is also because we don’t want someone reducing their offer in line with how much we need to spend on the new hall.

Here is the architect's drawing of the new hall/vestry wing to be built adjoining the Parish Church:

Homilies on the Stations of the Cross AD 2010 - The Fifth Sunday of Lent

This week we reflect upon the ninth and tenth Stations, or incidents, that occurred on this final phase of the journey that Jesus undertook on our behalf.

The encounter in today’s Gospel concerns one between Jesus and a man who is dead as well as his grieving sisters. It is often the case that we concentrate in Homilies on this Gospel passage on the persons of Mary and Martha, but quite clearly this is also a very dramatic encounter that Lazarus has with the Lord. Mary and Martha are trapped in their grief with seemingly no hope; while the body of Lazarus is trapped in the tomb and, because Jesus had not yet opened the gates of Heaven for the righteous, Lazarus' soul would have been resting in Sheol, the Place of the Sleeping, where all souls waited prior to Jesus' Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Then, when Jesus descended to hell He brought the righteous back with Him.

It is also interesting to note that Lazarus came forth from the tomb wearing his burial wrappings, indicating that he would die again, whereas Jesus arose without them, signifying that He would live forevermore.

IX. Jesus falls for the third time

Psalm 22:12 Many bulls encompass me, strong bulls of Bashan surround me; 13 they open wide their mouths at me, like a ravening and roaring lion. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax, it is melted within my breast; 15 my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaves to my jaws; thou dost lay me in the dust of death.

This third fall of Jesus has often been likened to the fall from grace of those who reach old-age. Here our Lord and Master lies once more in the dust having collapsed as he almost reaches Calvary. Once more the ground rushes up before his eyes and with every ligament, muscle and bone being once more wrenched he crashes to the ground, to lie helpless until dragged to his feet once more. Yet gain he is taken by force, compelled to go forward..... having no choice in the matter.

We are all used to that portrayal of the cantankerous elderly Victor Meldrew, and for many people this is a very vivid and real portrayal of the exasperation that being elderly can bring. The body is not as strong as it was and yet the mind and soul still feels as young as that of a 16 year old. The values of the world all around seem to change and yet there isn’t the physical energy to engage with trying to solve the world’s problems.

Even worse is the attitude of those in middle-age who regard the elderly as a nuisance. Compare that attitude to the elderly with that of children who so often treasure the wisdom of their grandparents.

It is symptomatic of a culture of death that it fails to see value in old age. It is symptomatic of a culture of death that it sees progressive illness as weakness and incapacity as simply a waiting station for death. The culture of death in our society is growing stronger and the progressive emphasis on human life only being worthwhile while it is productive, young, good-looking, energetic and exciting is adding to the degrading of human life in later years.

Even now we see Doctors and Health Care Managers being compelled by budget considerations to limit the medical care available to certain groups. It is not unknown that we hear reports of the elderly being refused a place on a GP’s register because of the cost to the Surgery’s budget.

Oscar Wilde’s condemnation of one group of politicians as “knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing” pervades far more of political, civil and social life today than he probably foresaw.

So often the elderly are dragged from pillar to post, made to feel a nuisance, compelled to leave their homes and go into residential care; where they say to the likes of me, “You don’t know the half of what goes on in here.” While there are exceptions too many of our residential homes for the elderly are like prisons. Pray God that we never get to the stage of hearing so called relatives say: “Go on, you’re becoming a burden, don’t you think you should take the pill?”

Anyone at any age can fall from grace, and the elderly are not immune from the sins that affect us all, but sometimes like children they are led into sin and they are treated appallingly.

At this Station we should pray for the elderly and those that care for them.... that the elderly may always have love shown them; we should pray that their lives would always be valued and respected; and pray that those who care for them would be given grace to always show love and compassion.

X. Jesus is stripped of his garments

Psalm 22:18 they divide my garments among them, and for my raiment they cast lots.

Job 1: 21 And Job said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return; the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

At this station we are brought face to face with the beginning of the end in all its swift terror. Jesus garments having been put back on him after his being scourged would, by now, have become congealed with the drying blood on his flesh. There is no reason to think that the Roman Soldiers would have taken great care when removing them – in reality they would have pulled them off him as quickly as possible, thus tearing open once more every wound in his already atrociously bruised and lacerated body. One can only begin to imagine the agony that this treatment caused. As many of us know the swift ripping off of a bandage by a nurse can be bad enough, but that trifle must pale into insignificance when compared to this moment in Christ’s last few hours before his death on the Cross.

His eyes would have become convulsed in agony along with the rest of his body.......... this was the beginning of the end....... and in the midst of this excruciating agony was the knowledge that worse pain was to come.

It is also common in reflections at this Station to think of the humiliation that nakedness brings along with the jeering of the mob. As we have seen all the way along his Way of the Cross there are those whose eyes flash with contempt and scorn. So often nakedness is seen as shameful and this was no different in ancient times. The Roman practice of stripping a person before crucifixion was designed to strip away all dignity and to leave a person open to ridicule as well as pain. The intention was to destroy both mind and body – to crush the spirit of a person and break them completely. Killing them wasn’t enough they wanted them to despair... which is the very opposite of hope.

Is our world any different today......... do we treat people any better. How often do we see people’s lives exposed to intense scrutiny in the newspapers and other forms of media? Indeed, how often do we see journalists not letting truth stand in the way of a good story? And how often do we avidly read every miniscule detail and enjoy sharing what we have read or heard with friends and neighbours? How often do we look down on those we consider weaker than ourselves? How often do we self-righteously condemn those with problems? How often do we notice the speck in someone else’s eye and conveniently ignore the plank in our own?

At this station as well as praying for those who are weak and helpless, who are frail and vulnerable; we should also pray for ourselves......... for at this Station more than any other surely the word’s of Jesus ring so true: (Luke 7:1) "Judge not, that you be not judged. (2) For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.

Avira AntiVir 10 Terbaru

Avira AntiVir 10 Terbaru

Fajar Widiantoro - detikinet

Avira 10 (avira)

Jakarta - Versi 10 Avira AntiVir kini siap diunduh. Selain merombak tampilan, perusahaan antivirus asal Jerman ini juga hadir dengan jurus keamanan terbaru.

Pada peluncurannya kali ini pengguna tak hanya bisa mencicipi antivirus gratis dengan Avira AntiVir Personal, namun juga Avira AntiVir Professional, dan Avira Premium Security Suite.

"Pengguna nantinya dapat bergabung dengan komunitas Avira, dan mengirim sampel file asing berbahaya untuk diteliti lebih lanjut," ujar Dirk Knop, Avira Technical Editor, seperti dikutip detikINET dari Softpedia, Rabu (24/3/2010).

Versi terbaru dari Avira AntiVir ini memiliki fitur baru yang memungkinkan kemampuan Generic Repair. Dengan kemampuan tersebut, Avira tak hanya menghapus virus, trojan atau malware, namun juga memperbaiki kerusakan akibat malware tersebut.

"Dengan tampilan baru, proses instalasi hanya berjalan dengan tiga kali klik saja," tambah Dirk. Selain dua fitur tersebut, Avira juga memiliki fitur parental control yang sebaiknya dimanfaatkan para orangtua, untuk memantau aktivitas anak-anak mereka di internet.

Pengguna yang berminat dapat mengunduh ketiga versi Avira pada link berikut:
- Avira AntiVir Personal
- Avira Premium Security Suite
- Avira AntiVir Professional 10

Printer HP Bisa Mencetak di Kayu dan Kaca

Printer HP Bisa Mencetak di Kayu dan Kaca

Trisno Heriyanto - detikinet

HP Scitex FB950
Jakarta - Jika biasanya printer digunakan untuk mencetak di atas kertas atau kanvas, tidak demikian dengan printer terbaru Hewlett-Packard (HP) ini. Printer tersebut mampu mencetak di atas kaca maupun kayu.

Produk bernama HP Scitex FB950 ini menyasar kalangan industri. Printer tersebut mampu mencetak di atas kaca atau kayu hingga ketebalan 6,5 cm.

"HP memahami kebutuhan pelanggan untuk terus mengembangkan bisnisnya, seperti pada saat ini dengan hadirnya printer yang dapat mencetak pada beragam media," ujar Pankaj Goswami, Busissine Manager, Commericial signage, HP Asia Pasifik & Jepang.

HP Scitex FB950 memang dirancang untuk proses pencetakan berformat lebar, tak heran jika printer ini menggunakan 12 printhead di dalamnya.

HP tidak hanya menyodorkan sebuah printer canggih dengan kemampuan mencetak di beragam media, namun produk ini juga diperkuat dengan beragam aplikasi pendukung.

"Tingkat daya guna HP Scitex FB950 semakin meyakinkan para pelaku industri sebagai penyedia jasa percetakan yang inovatif," tandas Pankaj Rabu, (24/3/2010).

Deretan Kampus Top Jadi Korban Jual Beli Ijazah Palsu

Deretan Kampus Top Jadi Korban Jual Beli Ijazah Palsu

Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet

Ijazah Palsu (Ist.)
Jakarta - Pelaku yang menjalankan jual beli ijazah palsu via internet tak tanggung-tanggung dalam menjalankan roda bisnisnya. Sederet kampus top Tanah Air turut menjadi korban untuk didompleng namanya. Kampus mana saja?

Dari pengamatan detikINET, Rabu (24/3/2010), dari situs yang bernaung di hosting gratisan itu, terdapat daftar kampus yang bisa digunakan namanya dalam ijazah abal-abal yang mau dibuat.

'Hebatnya', kampus yang ditawarkan pelaku merupakan nama-nama beken baik negeri maupun swasta. Mulai dari Universitas Indonesia, Gadjah Mada, ITB, Atmajaya, Pancasila, Binus dan masih banyak lagi.

Nah, pilihan dari kampus ini nantinya akan berpengaruh terhadap tarif yang dikenakan kepada si pemesan nantinya. Semakin beken nama kampus, tentu bakal semakin mahal biaya pembuatannya.

Berikut daftar kampus yang dicatut namanya:
  • Universitas Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Universitas Gunadarma
  • Universitas Tarumanegara
  • Universitas Atmajaya
  • Universitas Bina Nusantara
  • Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Universitas Pancasila
  • Universitas Budi Luhur
  • Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Universitas Nasional
  • Universitas Borobudur
  • Universitas Sahid
  • Universitas Muhammadiyah
  • Universitas Diponegoro
  • Universitas Ilmu Komputer
  • Universitas Terbuka
  • Universitas Moestopo
  • Universitas Kristen Indonesia
  • Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Akadami Bahasa Asing
  • Akadami Pariwisata Indonesia
  • ASMI
  • ISTN
  • YAI
  • Institut Teknologi Serpong
  • LIA

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Upcoming Events: SHPE-NYC & SWE Networking Event, Chase Open House

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SHPE-NYC Member Engagement Survey

Thank you to everyone who has responded to our membership engagement survey. We look forward to your feedback as we plan our upcoming high value membership events. If you have not completed the survey, please take a few minutes to complete it by this Friday, March 26th. Your feedback will greatly impact our next series of events. Access the survey by clicking here

SHPE-NYC & SWE-NY March Networking Event

The Society of Women Engineers and SHPE-NYC will join forces this month to host our monthly networking event. This event will be held on Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 at PS 450 (450 Park Ave S, New York, New York 10016). Business casual attire. Please RSVP here.

For more information on PS450 please visit

Explore Careers at Chase - Chase Home Lending Sales & Operations Open House

Chase Home Lending and Adelante invite you to the Chase Home Lending Sales and Operations Open House on Thursday, March 25, 2010 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza Auditorium (Ground Level) New York, N.Y. Spend the evening with managers from Home Lending Retail Operations and Sales to learn about Job opportunities. Chase is currently hiring for: Loan Officers, Processors, Closers and Underwriters. The event will be attended by a Northeast Regional Sales Manager, Garden City Site Operations Manager, RFS Senior Recruiting Manager, and Hiring Managers from Sales, Operations and Recruiting. You will have the opportunity to interact directly with the various managers and recruiters. Bring Resumes and Dress for Success. Refreshments will be served. Program begins promptly at 6:00 pm (arrive early for registration and seating). 

Share invitation with your colleagues and friends. RSVP by March 22nd at

SHPE Management Growth Training (MGT)

SHPE is proud to announce the return of MGT sponsored by Hewlett-Packard at its facilities in Plano, Texas! MGT will focus on crucial areas like financial strategy, communication skills as well as acquiring all 35 PDU's required to obtain your certification as a Project Management Professional. All steered towards your success in any management position. All applicants must have 5-10 years of professional experience. The week-long seminar is valued at $3000, but we are offering it exclusively to you for a very cost-effective $199. Additional information including the MGT brochure and application forms can be retrieved from the SHPE MGT website at Applications must be received by Friday, March 26, 2010. Applicants who are selected to participate will be notified via e-mail by mid April 2010.

You must be a registered SHPE-NYC member to apply. If you have questions regarding membership or MGT, please contact There is still time to become a paid SHPE-NYC member this week and apply for MGT this week.
For more information, please visit us at

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Air Dapat Mencegah Berbagai Penyakit

Cegah Gangguan Kesehatan Dengan

Minum Air

Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth

Ilustrasi (Foto: eHow)
Jakarta, Air memiliki manfaat penting bagi kesehatan seperti meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif, pencegahan batu dan infeksi kandung kemih hingga mencegah obesitas. Cegah gangguan kesehatan dengan minur air yang cukup.

Air adalah komponen terbesar di dalam tubuh manusia. Kandungannya bervariasi sesuai usia, misalnya pada bayi terdapat 80 persen air, pada orang dewasa sebesar 60 persen dan pada usia lanjut atau di atas 65 tahun sebesar 50 persen.

"Air juga merupakan zat gizi penting bagi kesehatan tubuh karena berperan sebagai pelarut, katalisator, pelumas, pengatur suhu tubuh serta penyedia mineral dan elektrolit," ujar Prof Dr Hardiansyah, MS dalam acara KPPIK (Kursus Penyegar dan Penambah Ilmu Kedokteran) FKUI di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Sabtu (20/3/2010).

Prof Hardiansyah menambahkan kekurangan air 1 persen dari berat badan disebut dengan dehidrasi. Kondisi ini menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan elektrolit tubuh yang ditandai dengan pusing, lelah, penurunan kemampuan fisik dan kognitif serta gangguan kesehatan.

Sedangkan dehidrasi pada tingkat penurunan 2 persen cairan tubuh yang terjadi karena cuaca panas dan olahraga dapat menurunkan konsentrasi, daya ingat sesaat (short-term memory) dan daya tangkap visual bergerak (visual motor tracking).

"Minum air yang cukup dan aman akan mengoptimalkan kesehatan berbagai organ tubuh sehingga dapat menghasilkan urine sebanyak 2 liter sehari yang terbukti mencegah batu ginjal,” ungkap ketua umum Pergizi Pangan Indonesia.

Berdasarkan kajian epidemiologi menunjukkan bahwa tubuh membuang air paling tidak 2 liter. Untuk itu setiap orang dewasa harus mengonsumsi air minum 2-3 liter sehari tergantung suhu dan aktivitas fisik.

Minum soft drink, bir dan jus apel meningkatkan risiko pembentukan batu ginjal, sedangkan minum air putih, air jeruk nipis, teh dan kopi menurunkan risiko batu ginjal.

"Selain itu minum air yang cukup dan aman tanpa disertai dengan menahan kencing juga turut menurunkan risiko infeksi kandung kemih," tambahnya.

Sebuah penelitian di Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh THRIST (The Indonesian Regional Hydration Study) terhadap status hidrasi pada remaja dan dewasa di dua wilayah ekologis berbeda menunjukkan hasil sebanyak 46,1 persen subyek remaja dan dewasa mengalami dehidrasi.

Didapatkan dehidrasi lebih banyak terjadi pada kelompok usia remaja (15-18 tahun) yaitu sebesar 49,5 persen dibandingkan dengan kelompok usia dewasa (25-55 tahun) yang hanya sekitar 42,5 persen.

"Hasil ini mengungkapkan salah satu penyebab timbulnya masalah dehidrasi adalah rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai air minum termasuk fungsi air, tanda-tanda dehidrasi serta akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh dehidrasi," ujar dokter dari Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA) IPB.

Sementara itu Dr dr Parlindungan Siregar, SpPD-KGH mengungkapkan dehidrasi sangat berkaitan dengan infeksi kandung kemih. Karena volume dan aliran air yang rendah akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri di saluran kemih atas maupun bawah.

"Karena itu jangan menahan dorongan berkemih dan mengonsumsi air yang banyak merupakan kombinasi yang baik untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi saluran kemih," ujar dokter dari divisi ginjal hipertensi FKUI.

Dr Parlindungan menambahkan untuk kelompok usia lanjut (di atas 65 tahun) sangat rentan terhadap asupan air yang tinggi, hal ini dikarenakan mudah terjadinya hiponatremia (kadar hatrium darah yang rendah). Karena itu masyarakat usia lanjut sebaiknya mengonsumsi air sebanyak 1,5 liter.

"Konsumsi air sebanyak 2-3 liter per hari serta tak lebih dari 1,5 liter untuk usia lanjut ditambah tidak menahan diri untuk berkemih sangat dianjurkan dalam mencegah terjadinya batu dan infeksi saluran kemih serta gangguan kesehatan lainnya," ungkap Dr Parlindungan.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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